By Mace Spray

Kenton had thought of everything.
The re-opening of the Caff would show them. All that sniping, sneering
and bickering. The petty way they had, each one of them, sought to undermine
his confidence and self-esteem with their hateful carping and criticism.
All that would be at an end once he had shown his dreadful family that
running the Caff was going to be the way he would start making his mark
upon the world. It was only a small beginning, he knew that, he had always
been a realist, but he also knew that Kenton's Kabin would be the first
of a chain in the concept of multi-functional eateries he was planning.
He knew that the idea was so innovative that he would have a waiting list
of local planning authorities offering him grants to open his palaces
of gastronomy in their areas. He had done his homework very thoroughly;
a Kenton's Kabin would bring people into any area, property prices would
increase, local run-down districts would be regenerated. All this from
the small acorn of Jack Woolley's preparedness to acknowledge his talent
and potential.
Kenton's Kabin was, in essence a complex idea made simple; why do people
eat out? The answer depends on the time of day your are considering. Early
in the morning, people eat out because they have no time to prepare breakfast
at home. If they are too busy to sit in the Kabin, the polystyrene trays
of Kenton's FEB are ready to take out. Massive coffee and teacups with
free refills add to the attraction.
For lunch, people eat out to be sociable or to conduct business. No one
wants a vast amount to eat in the middle of the day, so pasta, salads,
cold meats and light low-fat 'afters' are on the menu.
In the evening, take your time. The lights are lower, the music muted
and candles complement the whole atmosphere. Guest chefs would complete
the picture.
None of this is rocket science, but Kenton's Kabin, or 2K's as they would
be known throughout the world within five years, has that simple idea
that is always the secret to great success.

During the refit of the old Caff, Kenton had hit on the idea of decorating
the walls with durable, but replaceable panels. He had three different
lots made. Plain, bright colours for the 'Brekkers Run', simple, clean
and cheerful. It would take only 15 minutes to replace the Brekkers Run
panels with those for the 'Let's do Lunch' decoration. These were business-like
with Rothko-style paintings, but relaxing. Kenton was really pleased with
them. They transformed the place entirely and were set off by the pale
blue, exclusive 2K's tablecloths. He had thought of everything. Even the
cutlery was different from the Brekkers Run.
Of course, the evening set up was different again. The blue 2K's tablecloths
were gone, replaced by a dark green damask, still with the 2K's logo.
The wall panels were dark green and gold. The specially designed seating,
which folded away to virtually nothing was brought out from the small
storage area, was superbly comfortable yet light. He had taken the design
from something he had seen in Australia for use on pleasure craft. The
manufacture was both quick and cheap, but the effect was stunning.
Jack Woolley walked around the place. He was amazed, "You know,
Kenton, when you told me about your plans, frankly, I thought you were
not a little mad. But, I'm always fair; the effect you have produced is
stunning. When I came over this morning, and saw the change over from
Brekkers to Let's Do I was amazed. It was all so quick. 'Jack' I said
to myself 'Jack, this could be a real winner' But I still had some misgivings
about this evening thing. Well, this could be, as you put it, the last
word in concept dining. I'm glad I backed it."
Kenton poured another two glasses of Champagne and left Jack at the bar,
mulling over his new success.
They would all be coming. The entire Clan Archer. This really had to
work. He knew that this first dry run would show up any weaknesses. Elizabeth
was used to dealing with large groups of corporate guests. Jennifer catered
for the sudden arrival of shooters and beaters to second-crucial timings.
Peggy had run The Bull for so many years. She knew more than most people
have forgotten about how to set the right atmosphere. His own father was
always ready to criticise poor cooking since he encountered it so rarely.
As for the rest, David, Shula and so on, well, none of them had believed
he was capable of doing any of this. Some had even had the effrontery
to attempt to persuade Jack that he should not appoint Kenton.
Kenton walked into the kitchen where Kathy was marshalling her troops
like a true professional.
'Oh Kenton, glad you're here, where did you put that chicken that was
'In the fridge, just like you asked, my darling. Do you want it now?'
'Could you just reach it out and put it over here, please.'
'No probs' Said Kenton as he opened the fridge door.
He reached the shallow tray containing the defrosting chicken from the
top shelf of the large fridge. The tray was a bit larger than he recalled
and the end of it caught on the shelf. Pink liquid spilt into the fridge,
over some unwrapped cheese and the superb sherry trifles. Kenton noticed
none of this as he was distracted by the sounds of his family, gathering
in the bar.
He handed the tray of chicken to Kathy and went into the bar area.