
* Edna O'Brien's new novel In the Forest is reviewed by the novelist Kate Saunders.
In the Forest by Edna O'Brien is published by Weidenfeld and Nicholson on 2 May 2002.
Listen to the interview
* John Wilson exclusively reveals the names of the war artists whom the Imperial War Museum is sending to cover the war in Afghanistan.
Listen to the interview
* The latest film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' novel The Count of Monte Cristo has been released. Jeffrey Richards, professor of cultural history at Lancaster University, analyses the quality of adaptations of Dumas' work. Robin Buss, translator of the Penguin edition of Count of Monte Christo, considers Dumas' reputation and why it is so much overshadowed by that of his contemporary Victor Hugo.
The latest film version of The Count of Monte Cristo is released on 19 April, nationwide, Certificate PG.
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* Six paintings, some sepia drawings and a watercolour by Caspar David Friedrich, who died in 1840, are now on display in London. The art historian and critic Frank Whitford assesses the exhibition.
You can see the work of Caspar David Friedrich in German Art for Russian Imperial Palaces 1800-1850 at Somerset House, London, from 20 April to 18 August.
Listen to the review
* Elvis Costello has a new album called When I Was Cruel. At a recent concert Costello played some of his new material, but the audience was apparently far more enthusiastic for the old numbers. This is par for the course with any artist who's had early success, as music writer John Aizlewood observes.
Elvis Costello's When I Was Cruel is out now on Mercury Records
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On Front Row next week, reviews of Iain Pear's new novel and the film adaptation of Nick Hornby's About a Boy, interviews with comedy writers Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais, and artist Sam Taylor Wood.
