* The Angel of the North, near the A1 in Gateshead, has quickly become one of Britain's most recognisable landmarks. It may soon face competition from a proposed Solar Pyramid due to be built next to the M1 near Chesterfield by Art in the Environment. But some have criticised the angel for posing a threat to road safety. Front Row asked the Automobile Association if this art in the fast lane ammounts to motorway madness.
The M1 Solar Pyramid is expected to join the A1 Angel next year.
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* Putting opera on film has long been regarded as problematic. Now french director Benoit Jacquot has tried with Puccini's Tosca. Front Row reflects on the history of opera on film.
Benoit Jacquot's film of Tosca opens at selected cinemas from Friday 3 May.
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* A new play by Nicholas Wright, Vincent in Brixton, follows Vincent Van Gough's little known sojourn in South London. But Vincent wasn't the only famous face in unfamiliar surroundings. How about Pissaro in Penge or Holst in Dorset? Front Row embarks on a biographical mystery tour.
Vincent In Brixton, by Nicholas Wright, opens at the Royal National Theatre, London, on 1 May.
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* Over twenty years after his death two 'new' John Lennon tapes have been discovered. Auctioned today (30 April) at Christie's they fetched over £50,000 each. But is ther any real value in these once lost recordings?
John Lennon's memorabilia was sold at Christie's on 30 April.
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* The actor Michael Bryant died aged 74. While he may have lacked the fame of some of his comntemporaries but not the talent. Front Row remembers a stalwart of the National stage.
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Controversial French film Baise Moi, uncontroversial docu-soap Queen and Country, and an interview with playwright Tim Firth.
