
Your challenge was to write a story of 100 words which must include these five words - binding - jacket - pulp - index - spine. We asked you to add another 95 words to make a very short story on any subject.
Jon Flint
Her foot tasted salty. He was reminded of sucking the juice out of a whole orange, leaving only the blanched pulp. Finally he could feel the tip of the sea urchin spine on his tongue, and spat it out.
She sat on his white waiter's jacket spread out for her on the sand. For something to say he asked her what she studied every day in her English newspaper. "Finance" she said, smiling. And then, pronouncing slowly, "Foot sea index".
He was both surprised and pleased that such a thing should exist. Such an unlikely thing binding her to him.
Fortitude by Martin Thomas
I stared at the girl: "You're telling me you broke your spine when you were pushed down some steps outside a Pulp gig as you bent to retrieve your snakeskin jacket, which was then stolen, and that you've been chair-bound ever since, dependent on a disability allowance that's not even index-linked, having lost your job as a nurse when the health authority realised your employment contract was no longer binding because of the accident and they sacked you? I'm speechless!"
"Yeah", she responded, shrugging her shoulders, "but what do you do? Look, do you fancy a kebab or something?"
Ray Cowper
He wouldn't have lied if the ambulance woman hadn't been so pretty. The muggers had made a pulp of his face, bruised his spine and broken his index finger. He hated looking so helpless. As she was binding his wounds he suddenly found himself blurting out a story of heroic resistance and telling her that most of the blood on his clothes came from the other guys.
He was embarrassed to hear her credulously passing it all on to the constable. It was a stupid pretence. the muggers only got seventeen pounds but the forensic department got his Armani jacket.
