Richard Daniel chairs the interactive environmental programme in which he and his guests deal with listener's questions and concerns.
Call 03700 100 400
Home Planet, PO Box 3096, Brighton BN1 1PL |
"Home Planet is the environmental programme for which you set the agenda. We tackle your questions and concerns and try and make some sense out of the conflicting opinions which make up the environmental debate."
Richard Daniel |
Taking part in this week's programme:
Baroness Barbara Young, Chief Executive of the Environment Agency
Derek Moore Chief Executive South and West Wales Wildlife Trust
Philip Stott, Emeritus Professor at the University of London
This week's subjects:
1) From Carol-Ann Bowmaker in Orkney...
I want to know whether the banana plant is really under threat and who is funding research into its genetically modified replacement?
Expert advice comes from Professor Howard Atkinson who runs the Plant Nematology Laboratory at Leeds University.
2) From Julia Welchman in West London...
Can the Environment Agency really call the Jubilee river a success? Won't it drain the surrounding sponge of the floodplain and has the design of the channel taken into account future development in the area which will cause water levels to rise even further?
3) From Jean Mooyman...
I am concerned that fireworks are becoming a part of everyday life and no longer being saved for New Year's Eve. I wonder how this affects wildlife, especially roosting birds. Does it disturb them - and is it a problem?
4) From David Smith in Hereford....
I've heard the view expressed that mild winter weather will fail to kill off the bugs that cause flu and colds. Is this just an old wives tale and how does the winter temperature affect our health?
Expert advice comes from Professor William Keatinge of Queen Mary and Westfield College in London who researches the link between climate and health.
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