 |  |  |  | PROGRAMME INFO |  |  | |
 |  |  | Richard Daniel chairs the interactive environmental programme in which he and his guests deal with listener's questions and concerns. Call 03700 100 400 home.planet@bbc.co.uk Home Planet, PO Box 3096, Brighton BN1 1PL |  |  |  |  | LISTEN AGAIN 30 min |  |  | |
 | "Home Planet is the environmental programme for which you set the agenda. We tackle your questions and concerns and try and make some sense out of the conflicting opinions which make up the environmental debate."
Richard Daniel |  |
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Dr Madeleine Havard
Chief Executive,
University of Essex
Bio-geographer, University of London
Great crested newts
Do great crested newts migrate?
The Severn Estuary
Why does it have such a huge tidal range?
(NB: despite some sites claiming otherwise, the Severn Estuary actually has the third largest tidal range. The second is the Bay of Mont St Michel in Brittanny. The largest, and perhaps most impressive, is the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia)
Temperature of Windermere
What do we know about their numbers around the UK?
Why have they declined in New England?
Professor Stott explained that the likely reason for the decline in New England is the loss of open fields and meadows (which fireflies favour) to woodland.
Advice on how to prevent moths from eating your clothes:
Camphor deters moths, as does lavender oil, rosemary and cloves or thyme or even orange peel sprinkled over the clothes. Always clean clothes before storing them and re-treat them every six months. Discourage moths by having woollens cleaned before storing, wrap in plastic bags, add some cloves or dried orange peel and seal. Line clothes cupboards and drawers with sheets of white damp-proof paper which can be bought in most wallpaper shops. Moths thrive in damp conditions and this will keep clothes damp free. Remove moth larvae on your clothes by running them through the dryer on the highest heat. Further advice from
Contact Home Planet
Send your comments and questions for future programmes to:
Home Planet 大象传媒 Radio 4 PO Box 3096 Brighton BN1 1PL
Or email the programme: home.planet@bbc.co.uk
Or telephone the Audience Line 03700 100 400
Home Planet is a Pier Production for 大象传媒 Radio 4 and is produced by Nick Patrick.
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