Further Information |
Bristol Crisis Service for Women
Helpline 0117 925 1119
CALM - The Campaign Against Living Miserably is about fighting depression amongst young men.
Tel. 0800 58 58 58
Opening times 5pm - 3am
0800 11 11
Open 24hrs/day, 365 days/year
For information on eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia and compulsive eating.
The Colegate Centre
Norfolk Eating Disorders Association
34 Colegate, Norwich Norfolk NR3 1BG
tel: 01603-767062
Email: NEDA@care4free.net
Contact the Depression Alliance on 020-7633 0557 for a copy of its booklet 'The Young Person's Guide to Stress'.
in Cornwall has come up with an innovative scheme - teaching circus skills to teenagers who are struggling at school.
Kerrier Healthy Living Centre
Services Department
Kerrier District Council
Dolcoath Avenue
Cornwall TR14 8SX
Tel. 01209 614 336
Email: healthyliving.centre@kerrier.gov.uk
Contact the Kerrier Centre for information on Swamp Circus or the WILD teenage mothers project.
- a voluntary organisation committed to the prevention of young suicide and the promotion of mental health and well being.
Rossendale GH
Union Road
Lancs BB4 6NE
Tel. 01706 214 449
Email: sendinfo@papyrus-uk.org
The Samaritans
Tel. 08457 90 90 90
Open 24hrs/day, 365 days/year
Self Harm Alliance helpline 01242 578820;
The Hurt Yourself Less Workbook for those who self-injure - 拢12.50 from the National Self-Harm Network, PO Box 16190, London NW1
- a national charity committed to improving the mental health of all children and young people. Provide: leaflets & booklets, seminars & training and a consultancy service.
Young Minds
102-108 Clerkenwell Road
Email: enquiries@youngminds.org.uk
Parents Information Service: 0800 018 2138
Psychologist Helen Cowie at the University of Surrey has been undertaking a research project on teenagers and mental health.
Helen Cowie
Erasmus House
Roehampton Lane
SW15 5PU
Tel. 020 8392 3000
Jay Giedd is head of brain imaging at the US
where new evidence suggests that during adolescence there are changes to the structure of the brain as well as hormonal and bodily changes.
NIMH Public Inquiries
6001 Executive Boulevard, Rm. 8184, MSC 9663
Bethesda, MD 20892-9663 U.S.A.
Tel. 001 301 443-4513
Fax 001 301 443-4279
Email: nimhinfo@nih.gov
Anne McPherson is the co-author with Aidan McFarlane of several books on teenagers.
New Diary of a Teenage Health Freak
ISBN: 0192861824
Publisher: Oxford University Press, Incorporated
Pub. Date: May 1996
Teenagers - The Agony, the ecstasy, the answers
Margot Waddell works in the adolescent department at the Tavistock Clinic in London:
Tavistock Clinic
120 Belsize Lane
London NW3 5BA
Tel. 020 7435 7111
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