Choose an audio clipÌýyou would like to listen to from the most recent programme.
 0607 |
James Dudley,Ìýa teenagerÌýwho admittedÌýcausing his girlfriend's death in a jet-skiing accidentÌýis due to beÌýsentenced. Tabitha Morgan has the details. |
 0609 |
Charles Haviland in Nepal brings us the latest in the violent clashesÌýbetween rebels and government troops. |
 0615 |
VAT scam isÌýdistorting UK trade figures. Greg Wood has the business news. |
 0626 |
Man Utd coast to victory over Debrecen.Ìý Steve May has the sports news. |
 0632 |
ToryÌýleader Michael Howard is urgingÌýjudgesÌýto co-operateÌýonÌýplans to tackle terrorism. More from Shaun Ley. |
 0635 |
The International Atomic Energy Agency continues its crisis meetingÌýover Iran's re-started nuclear programme. Emma Jane Kirby in Vienna. |
 0638 |
James Reynolds in Gaza with the latest details on the IsraeliÌýpreparationÌýto withdraw from the area. |
 0640 |
Judges are warning that longerÌýpub opening hours will lead to aÌýrise in violent crime. Neil Bennett reports. |
 0644 |
A review of today's papers in the UK and Egypt. |
 0649 |
Bob Walker goes toÌýBirmingham to find out theÌýstateÌýof the UKÌýeconomy. |
 0653 |
Magdi Mahmoud al-Nashar - the Egyptian heldÌýafter the 7 July London bombs butÌýfreedÌýafter being cleared of any link to the attacks -Ìýtalks to us about hisÌýordeal. |
 0709 |
Tory Humfrey Malins,Ìý- himself a part-time judge - says extended hours can't usher in a continental-style drinking culture, because Britons were "very different".Ìý |
 0713 |
Rhys Williams, the uncle of James Dudley,Ìýwho killedÌýhis girlfriend in a jet-bike accident, talks about the case. |
 0717 |
Lib Dems Lord Lester saysÌýhe finds Tory callsÌýfor a weakerÌýjudiciary astonishing. But retiredÌýjudge Gerald Butler saysÌýjudges shouldn't make political decisions.
 0720 |
Dr Ali Ansari,Ìýan Iranian specialist from St Andrews University, analyses the row between the West and Tehran over Iran's nuclear programme. |
 0724 |
Coal and copperÌýprice hits a high. Greg Wood with business news. |
 0725 |
Steve May with a rundown ofÌýlast nights football match between Man UtdÌýand Debrecen. |
 0731 |
CanÌýthe Palestinians can keep a lid on the militants as Israel withdraws from Gaza? Professor Jarat Chopra gives his assessment. |
 0741 |
JudgeÌýCharlesÌýHarris QC tells us why he thinksÌýthe government's aim of developing a continental-style drinking culture is unrealistic. |
 0747 |
Thought for the day with Akhandadhi Das,Ìýa Vaishnav Hindu teacher and theologian. |
 0750 |
CanÌýpatriotism help stopÌýhome-grown terrorists in the UK? Columnist George Monbiot and Jonathan Freedland debate. |
 0810 |
Conservative leader Michael Howard says the fight against terrorism is being hamperedÌýby the Human Rights Act . He also sided withÌýjudgesÌýwarnings over new alcoholÌýlaws. |
 0823 |
The booker-prize Long List - is it full of big-name writers past their best? We speak to authors DJ Taylor and James Meek. |
 0828 |
Steve May with the sports news. |
 0834 |
James Dudley,Ìýhas been fined by a Cypriot courtÌýover holiday jetski tragedy. His uncle, Rhys Williams reactsÌýto the sentencing. |
 0836 |
Evan DaviesÌýlooks at how to we tackleÌýpensions problem.ÌýToryÌýSir Malcolm Rifkind says the government should get their house in order. |
 0848 |
Walt Disney Co's embattled bossÌýMichael Eisner is to step down. Greg Wood with the details. |
 0850 |
Are computer games good or bad for you? Mark Prensky ofÌýgames2train and columnist Brian Appleyard discuss. |
 0855 |
Chris Lowe with the next edition of his series tracking theÌýevents of August 1945,Ìýthe dramatic final days of the Second World War. |