
Which of the following best describes you?
A Meat Eater 87%
Vegetarian (total) 9%
Vegetarian who eats fish (7%)
Vegetarian who does not eat fish (2%)
Vegan 3%
Refused to say 1%
Have you always been a meat eater, or is it recent?
Always been one 96%
Quite some time 3%
Quite recently 1%
How long have you been a vegetarian?
Social Class Region
AB C1 C2 DE North Midlands South
Always been one - 17% 38% 13% - 20% 21% 18% 13%
Quite some time ago - 56% 42% 48% 87% 47% 43% 51% 71%
Quite recently - 27% 20% 39% 13% 33% 36% 31% 16%
In light of the foot and mouth disease, BSE and CJD, are you more likely to eat British meat?
Male Female
More likely 12% 10% 13%
No Difference 71% 74% 67%
Less likely 16% 14% 18%
Don't know 25% 2% 2%
Would you consider not eating meat?
Male Female
Yes 32% 25% 38%
No 60% 68% 52%
Don't eat meat 5% 4% 7%
Don't know 4% 4% 4%

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