
The Weakest Link Game :

Following the format for the TV game show respondents were asked to imagine that IDS had resigned as leader and put himself forward in a new leadership contest. Group members were asked to vote out the weakest link in a series of elimination rounds and then, from the last two nominate their preferred leader.

The list included, IDS, Clarke, Portillo, Davis, Howard, Fox, Letwin, Bercow, May, Redwood, Widdecombe and Hague.

First to go was IDS! He just does not have what it takes. Second and third to be eliminated were (surprisingly) Clarke and Portillo meaning that three of the supposed front runners had immediately been eliminated from the contest, Clarke because he is too old, was not a very good minister and has had two shots at the leadership already, Portillo because he is too divisive and probably doesn't want the job anyway.

The final three were (also surprisingly) Hague, Fox and Davis. Hague was least favoured of these three, and Davis won the contest.

One person reflected that most if not all the contestants would make perfectly acceptable shadow ministers or ministers but didn't have the extra something that would make them the obvious choice for leader. On David Davis the respondent said, "trouble is that he is nearly handsome, but he isn't, he is nearly charismatic, but he isn't and he is nearly intelligent but he isn't".

Most felt IDS would be leading the Conservative party at the next election, only one or two thought he could win, under David Davis most thought the Conservatives would get closer to Labour, in terms of share of the vote, but still would not win. One has to feel that if these party activists and Tory enthusiasts have such little faith in the ability of the party to win the next election, the outlook for the party, irrespective of who leads it is bleak indeed.
