Goose for Christmas |
30 Nov 2006 |
 Goose – beats turkey any Christmas day? “Now you’ve cooked your goose, ” is still a common saying but have you ever done it literally? As Christmas looms over the horizon restaurant critic, Charles Campion, and top chef, Frances Atkins join Miriam O'Reilly to discuss the merits of goose over turkey for the celebratory meal.
Reporter Jane Gething-Lewis visited Goodman’s Geese farm at Great Witley in Worcestershire to talk to Ruth and Andrew Goodman
Photo courtesy of Goodman's Geese
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Cold Roast Goose, with Beetroot Relish, Figs, Apple & Chestnut Stuffing & Crispy Quail Egg & Potato |
Recipes by Frances Atkins - Michelin Starred Chef Yorke Arms
Goose (8lb/ 3.5kg) serves between 4-6
6 Quail Eggs (Hens eggs can be used, allow more cooking time)
Stuffing - finely chop:
2 Shallots
1 carrot
2 sticks of celery
Chestnuts 500g
2 Apples, peeled & cored
8 Figs
¼ pt Red Wine & 250g sugar
Watercress, Parsley & Red Apple to garnish
Beetroot Relish & Polenta crumb prepared earlier
To prepare the goose (Day before)
Rub salt into the goose skin and leave to stand overnight. This will produce a more crispy skin. The goose is not to be stuffed as it produces so much fat during the roasting process it is unpleasant to eat.
Prepare Beetroot Relish & Polenta Crumb
Next Day
Heat the oven to 190ºc and place the goose on a grid on a baking tin, (This is important as if the goose goes straight into the tin it will stew in its own fat and become greasy) Prick goose skin lightly & cover with foil. Place in hot oven.
After the first hour take from the oven and pour most of the fat from the tin, keep for roasting the potatoes and eggs.
Bake for a further 1 ½ hours in a lower temperature of 150˚ c . During the final half hour, remove the foil to brown the skin.
Dice & roast the potatoes in the normal way in the goose fat and add the hard boiled quail eggs (cut in half) for the last 10 minutes, 20 minutes if hens eggs. Remove into serving dish & sprinkle with finely chopped parsley
Poach Figs in red wine & sugar, form a syrup and reduce to just coat the figs.
Lightly sauté shallots, carrot, celery, chestnuts & apples.
Mix in with Polenta crumb and egg to bind, season & bake in a buttered tin, until crisp on top (approx 20 mins)
Carve the goose, Garnish with Watercress & Red Apples
Serve with Stuffing, Figs coated in Red wine, Crispy Quail Egg & Potato
Polenta Bread (Serves 8)
57.5g Costa Polenta
85g Plain Flour
27.5g Caster Sugar
¼ tsp Salt
½ tsp Baking Powder
½ Egg, Beaten
170ml Milk
27.5g Butter
Preheat oven to 220˚ / 425°f/ Gas mark 7.
Sift the dry ingredients into a bowl. Mix the egg & milk together, add to the dry ingredients and stir well.
Melt the butter and fold into the mixture. Beat well. Grease & flour a 20cm baking tin, pour in the mixture and bake for 20-25 mins or until golden brown. Cool & crumb
Beetroot Relish
This sweet – sour relish is particularly good with cold Goose.
450 g Beetroot peeled & grated (Coarsely)
225g Onion chopped
3 Tbs Sugar
1 fl oz (25ml) White wine vinegar
4 fl oz (120ml) Red wine
2 Juniper Berries
2 tsp finely grated fresh ginger
Salt & freshly ground pepper
Sweat the onions slowly in Olive Oil until very soft.
Add sugar & seasoning & allow to brown slightly
Add all other ingredients & cook gently for 30 mins.
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