Rummaging in the attic can sometimes unearth unusual discoveries. When the photographer, Julia Winckler moved into her great aunt's house she found recordings of her singing and photographs of her family that she'd never seen.
She started to ask questions about what both her German grandmother and her great aunt did during the 2nd World War. The result is an exhibition at the Manx Museum on the Isle of Man and in Poitiers in France, which recreates the extraordinary lives of two sisters caught on different sides of the English Channel when war broke out.
While her grandmother, Viktoria, married a soldier and worked for the infamous German Central Railway Office, her sister Martha, who had been living in England, was interned as an enemy alien on the Isle of Man, where she met and fell in love with a Jewish refugee, Hugo.
Angela Robson went to meet Julia to find out why she started to unravel her own family's history.
The lullaby played in the report was sung by Johanna Metzger who was also interned on the Isle of Man.