CBeebies HD Schedule
HD Schedule
Show Me Show Me—Series 4, Spoons and Ostriches
20/25 Chris, Pui and the toys look at spoons of all shapes and sizes. (R)
Justin's House—Series 2, Superturbo Robo
3/25 Justin decides to help Robert out with a superturbo robot called Roberta. (R)
Raa Raa the Noisy Lion—Series 2, Catch That Page
43/26 Topsy is trying to read, but Raa Raa and the other animals are making too much noise. (R)
Teletubbies—Series 1, Purple
39/60 In Tummy Tales, a boy learns to knit with purple wool.
Bing—Series 1, Woof!
74/78 Bing and Flop find a lost dog. When the owner turns up, Bing is upset about saying goodbye (R)
Hey Duggee—Series 1, The Story Badge
52/52 Duggee tells the tired Squirrels a story, but then they start to chime in... (R)
Boj—Series 1, Still as Statues
34/50 Boj finds Mia upset because her paintings of the Twitchlets are ruined. (R)
The Furchester Hotel—Series 1, Count Your Chickens
5/52 Phoebe and Elmo need all their creative skills when looking after five excitable chickens! (R)
Octonauts—Series 1, The Eel Ordeal
42/52 The Octonauts help a young migrating eel on her difficult journey. (R)
Mike the Knight—Series 1, Jewel of Glendragon
49/53 When Mike loses the jewel of Glendragon, he declares that his mission is to find it. (R)
Charlie and Lola—Series 3, I Am Inventing a Usefullish Invention
8/27 Charlie and Marv must come up with an invention for a school project, and Lola helps. (R)
Rastamouse—Series 1, Wicked Threads
8/52 Somebody steals Wensley Dale's presidential tie during the island fashion competition. (R)
Nelly & Nora—Lost in Fog
8/52 It's very foggy in the camping park and the girls use sound to find their way around. (R)
Mr Bloom: Here and There—Series 2, Cannon Hill Park
14/26 Safi, Isa and Howa have lots of fun playing football and clearing litter with Mr Bloom. (R)
My First—Series 1, Funfair
15/20 Willow visits a funfair for the first time with her mum and dad. (R)
Bing—Series 1, Hippity Hoppity, Voosh
53/78 Bing and Sula throw their toys into the air to see how high they can fly. (R)
Bing—Series 1, Woof!
74/78 Bing and Flop find a lost dog. When the owner turns up, Bing is upset about saying goodbye (R)
Wussywat the Clumsy Cat—Flower
33/52 Wussywat's favourite big flower is droopy and sad.
Twirlywoos—Series 2, On and Off
28/30 A sunbather tries to keep his sun hat on, while the Twirlywoos keep taking it off! (R)
Something Special—We're All Friends: Series 9, Farm
20/25 Justin and his friends are visiting some animals on a farm. (R)
Let's Play—Series 1, Steam Train Driver
26/26 Sid and Rebecca go all aboard for an exciting adventure on a steam train. (R)
Mister Maker Around the World—Episode 21
21/26 In the UK Mister Maker makes a clever corner creature in under a minute. (R)
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave—A Veggie Adventure
21/53 A trip to Hatty's garden shows Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave where vegetables come from. (R)
Tinga Tinga Tales—Series 1, Why Spider Has a Tiny Waist
12/26 Greedy Spider hears of four feasts in Tinga Tinga and wants to go to them all. (R)
Magic Hands—Series 2, Wynken, Blynken and Nod
4/20 You Are Old, Father William by Lewis Carroll, and Wynken, Blynken and Nod by Eugene Field. (R)
My Pet and Me—Series 2, Community Farm
9/20 Rory heads to a community farm to meet some children. (R)
Minibeast Adventure with Jess—Harvestman
14/20 Jess is looking at harvestmen - many people think of them as daddy longlegs. (R)
Waybuloo—Series 2, Lau Lau's Quiet Day
49/50 Lau Lau wants to have a quiet day, but the Cheebies arrive and make lots of noise. (R)
Melody—Series 1, Boat Ballet
19/20 Melody imagines a beautiful boat ballet with dancing swans when she goes to the park. (R)
Balamory—Series 2, Sailing
62/62 PC Plum has promised to take Miss Hoolie out sailing, but he has too much to do. (R)
I Can Cook—Series 1, Chocolate and Mandarin Pudding
20/26 Katy and some young cooks make chocolate and mandarin puddings. (R)
Grandpa In My Pocket—Series 4, The Great Big Sunnysands Cake Bake
7/26 Mrs McWhiskit plans a cake bake. When things go wrong, Grandpa gets in the mix! (R)
My First—Series 1, Funfair
15/20 Willow visits a funfair for the first time with her mum and dad. (R)
Bing—Series 1, Hippity Hoppity, Voosh
53/78 Bing and Sula throw their toys into the air to see how high they can fly. (R)
Bing—Series 1, Woof!
74/78 Bing and Flop find a lost dog. When the owner turns up, Bing is upset about saying goodbye (R)
Wussywat the Clumsy Cat—Flower
33/52 Wussywat's favourite big flower is droopy and sad. (R)
Twirlywoos—Series 2, On and Off
28/30 A sunbather tries to keep his sun hat on, while the Twirlywoos keep taking it off! (R)
Something Special—We're All Friends: Series 9, Farm
20/25 Justin and his friends are visiting some animals on a farm. (R)
Let's Play—Series 1, Steam Train Driver
26/26 Sid and Rebecca go all aboard for an exciting adventure on a steam train. (R)
Mister Maker Around the World—Episode 21
21/26 In the UK Mister Maker makes a clever corner creature in under a minute. (R)
Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave—A Veggie Adventure
21/53 A trip to Hatty's garden shows Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave where vegetables come from. (R)
Tinga Tinga Tales—Series 1, Why Spider Has a Tiny Waist
12/26 Greedy Spider hears of four feasts in Tinga Tinga and wants to go to them all. (R)
Magic Hands—Series 2, Wynken, Blynken and Nod
4/20 You Are Old, Father William by Lewis Carroll, and Wynken, Blynken and Nod by Eugene Field. (R)
Tilly and Friends—Princess Tilly
43/53 Tilly tries on a knight's shield, but Pru thinks girls should be princesses. (R)
Timmy Time—Series 1, Timmy Wants the Blues
9/26 Timmy is having a blue day and collects all the blue toys, blue cushions and blue paint. (R)
Spot Bots—Zipadoodle Doo
The Spot Bots must learn to stay focused for long enough to see the Zipadoodle Doo. (R)
Swashbuckle—Series 3, Sandcastles
10/26 Captain Sinker wants to win a sandcastle competition, so sets Cook and Line to work. (R)
Messy Goes to OKIDO—Series 1, Okidoasis
40/52 Messy goes to OKIDO to help his friends solve the mystery of the dried-up oasis.
Andy's Prehistoric Adventures—Woolly Rhino and Flowers
9/25 Andy travels back 50,000 years in time to search for a woolly rhino. (R)
Peter Rabbit—Series 2, The Tale of the Scare Owl
3/50 When Peter uses a model owl to scare off Old Brown, he ends up scaring the squirrels too! (R)
Kate and Mim-Mim—Series 1, Lighter than Air
28/53 While she is playing catch in the backyard, Kate's ball goes over the hedge. (R)
Kate and Mim-Mim—Series 1, Gobble's Gift
29/53 Kate and her parents are staging a talent show, but Mum is hesitant to perform. (R)
Our Family—Series 2, Eva's Halloween Party
Eva has some big plans for a spooky Halloween party. (R)
Gigglebiz—Series 3, Episode 3
3/26 Ann Teak accidentally destroys a precious ancient letter. (R)
Sarah & Duck—Series 1, Fancy Park
25/40 When their local park is closed, Sarah and Duck try to find a suitable alternative. (R)
Clangers—Series 1, The Curious Tunnel
10/52 Tiny and Small discover a strange tunnel that appears to suck things upwards. (R)
The Adventures of Abney & Teal—Series 2, Spots
24/26 Abney and Teal are painting all sorts of things, but Neep won't join in. (R)
In the Night Garden—Series 1, Igglepiggle Looks for Upsy Daisy and Follows Her Bed
26/100 Igglepiggle cannot find Upsy Daisy, but then he spots her bed and follows it to her. (R)
CBeebies Bedtime Stories—Extras, Guy Garvey - Prince Cinders
Guy Garvey reads Prince Cinders by Babette Cole. (R)