
16 Dàmhair 2014
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Jyrojets :: 13/01/08 :: 1830

'S e beachd a' mhòr chuid gu feum còmhlain-ciùil gluasad dhan bhaile mhòr, mar Glaschu no Lunnainn, ma tha iad son soirbheachas sam bith fhaighinn, ach tha Jyrojets air sealltainn nach ann mar sin a dh'fheumas e bhith. Stèidhichte ann an Inbhir Nis, tha 'd air cùmhnant fhaighinn son ceithir clàran a thoirt a-mach agus tha an t-ainm aca air a sgaoileadh fad ‘s farsaing taobh a-muigh prìomh bhaile na Gàidhealtachd. Nuair a bha iad dìreach 14 bliadhna dh'aois dh'aontaich Colin Fraser agus Martin Stewart còmhlan a chur ri chèile. Dh'atharraich na daoine anns a' chòmhlan thar nam bliadhnaichean gus an do nochd an còmhlan air a bheil sinn eòlach san latha an-diugh. Chaidh an ainmneachadh leis a' phàipear-naidheachd ‘The Sun' mar aon de na còmhlain ur as fheàrr anns a' bhliadhna 2007 agus bha gu leòr ag aontachadh leis a' bheachd sin Tha cuireadh aca cluich anns na Stàitean Aonaichte, an Ruis agus ann an Alba cuideachd! Agus tha coltas ann gum bi 2008 nas soirbheachail dhaibh buileach ‘s iad gu bhith cluich aig Feis SXSW ann an Texas as t-Earrach, a' toirt a-mach a' chiad chlàr aca agus a' nochdadh air Rapal!


Jyrojets are a 5-piece indie-rock band from Scotland who made history by becoming the first band from Inverness ever to sign a major 4-album record deal. It all started when Colin and Martin were 14 and they were inspired to start their own band. The two set about writing songs and, after a few years of trying out various line-ups they finally hooked up with three like-minded musicians and named themselves Jyrojets. After just a month of rehearsing together they recorded a demo and entered a competition for a chance to play at T in the Park. They were chosen to appear at King Tuts for the T-break heats - not bad for their first gig! 2006 was a great year for JYROJETS. They released their debut EP and opened for Richard Ashcroft at Glasgow's SECC in front of 10,000 people. Richard personally chose them as support, and called them "a great young band" during his encore. The band are Verve fans and had already bought tickets to the show, never dreaming they would be supporting him! In 2007 they were chosen from 7,000 applicants to perform at the SXSW festival in . They returned to the US in April for a 2-month tour with ý Britbus. Dates in Berlin, Moscow and a UK headline tour followed. The singles "˜Favourite Thing About Jane' and "˜Hollywood Hold On' were released, both reaching the UK Indie charts and played on Radio 1, Radio 2, Capital Radio, XFM, and indie stations across Europe and the US. They are currently recording their debut album, set for release in 2008 and are heading over to Texas in the spring to play at SXSW.

Jyrojets: Just Wrote To Tell you

Jyrojets: Hollywood, hold on

Jyrojets: Dead On Arrival

Jyrojets: Favourite Thing About Jane

Jyrojets: Agallamh

Feumaidh tu (Beurla) fhaighinn.


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