
16 Dàmhair 2014
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The Hussy's :: 21/02/08:: 1845

'S ann à Glaschu a tha The Hussy's agus ‘s e an cluicheadair giotàir aca, James MacColl, a thug iad còmhla aig toiseach 2005. Bha e fhèin air a bhith soirbheachail gu ìre a' seinn anns a' chòmhlan - The Supernaturals -ach as dèidh dhaibh dealachadh, bha e son iomairt ùr fheuchainn, gu sònraichte le nighean a' seinn. Fhuair e lorg air an tè bu mhiann leis nuair a chuala e Fili a' seinn aig oidhche ‘Open Mic’. As dèidh barrachd siridh a dhèanamh aig oidhcheannan eile dha leithid ‘s anns na taighean seinnse, thàinig càch ri chèile. Gu ruige seo tha iad air 3 Eps fhoillseachadh agus fiù 's mion-chlàr a thoirt a-mach ann an Iapan ‘s tha iad air a bhith gu math trang bho chionn ghoirid ag obair air a’ chiad chlàr slàn aca! A bharrachd air an luchd-leantainn aca anns an dùthaich seo , tha daoine eòlach orra taobh thall a' Chuain Shiar cuideachd oir chaidh aon dhe na h-òrain aca a chleachdadh ann an sanas son brògan spòrs sna Stàitean Aonaichte!

The Hussy's

The Hussy's are a pop band from Glasgow who were formed by their guitarist James MacColl who had previously had chart success with the band The Supernaturals. After they split up he was keen to start a new band, and one fronted by a female vocalist in particular. He found the very voice that he was looking for when he heard Fili performing at an 'open mic' night. The rest of the band were recruited in similar circumstances. They have released 3EPs and also a mini-album, which was released in Japan exclusively, and lately they have been busy in the studio where they have been working on their first proper album. As well as having a faithful following in this country, they also have fans on the other side of the Atlantic as one of their songs was used as the soundtrack in an advert for sports shoes in America!

The Hussy's: Rock Concert

The Hussy's: We Expected

The Hussy's: Tiger

The Hussy's: Rock Steady

The Hussy's: Agallamh

Feumaidh tu (Beurla) fhaighinn.


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