The Lady floats again....again!
Posted: Wednesday, 26 January 2005 |
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Sorry for having leaving you high and dry on the Ferry recue saga....but I didn't have time to finish the story....
We started to try and raise the boat with the trolley jack...enough to get the assorted pieces of wood and telegraph pole underneath, but she would not budge an inch....and without the arrival of the tractor and forklift, things looked a bit hopeless, even with a full Rugby pack of Kerrera's finest....however soon we heard a distant roar, and it sounded like help was at hand, and after a slight delay to clear a fallen tree from the track ....The Manitou and Massy Ferguson cavalry appeared on the horizon. Pretty quickly my doubts about the forklift were resolved because it was very clear this was not your ordinary baked bean stacker....and in a very short time we had the wood in place and the ropes on ready for the first pull.

At first there was nothing, and then a rope snapped....some worried faces, but after some rapid re-roping and repositioning of the cavalry the tug of war resumed....and the Lady moved...inches at first and then feet...only to get stuck again on the next patch of turf.....

Posted on The Curious Crab at 15:47
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