The Last episode of the Lady Floats....honest!
Posted: Wednesday, 26 January 2005 |
1 comment |
Well being concise has never been my strong point!
Back on the beach, nothing it seems could stand in the way of Duncan's masterplan, and he would not take "no" for an answer from the reluctant wandering Lady....
And after some sideways nudging from the Manitou, replacing of the rollers, some rapid redeploying of available horse power : The Manitou was sent to the back to push rather than pull, the Lady finally saw sense and headed fairly smoothly and almost gracefully right back into the water where she belongs...

All that was left was to head up to Ardentrive for some very gratefully received drinks and sandwiches, and to wait for the incoming tide to do the rest. An hour or so later we came back out in time to see the Lady being towed off into the sound, and new moorings ready to be fitted with her new engines, and hopefully back to her day job very soon!
It was by this time a beautiful sunny morning, so different from the storm that had the put the Lady on the beach in the first place and I have a feeling that all those present enjoyed the challenge. The way everyone worked together, from the North and South of the island to get the boat back in the water was a tribute to the community spirit that it most definitely alive and well on this amazing little island,
and reminded me how lucky I am to live here....
Posted on The Curious Crab at 16:15
What's happened to the Kerrera blog? It would be great if someone could crank it up again. I'm about to visit in 10 days' time or so, and it would be great to hear more about it.
Gavin from London
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