daft days on Gigha
Posted: Wednesday, 10 August 2005 |
Hi fellow islanders, hope the summer is treating you all well. I am trying to upload a photo of the Gigha raft race. It went well with a staggering 11 rafts entered (and believe me it was staggering that some were able to float...). There were some excellent entries - folks had gone to some effort in preparing their rafts (the Austrian girls deserve a special mention for their tropical entry and for stimulating some of the lads into action - ah, but that is another blog for another day...).
We have fewer such events on gigha than other islands and we need to get more going as it was great fun. We even had a swimming competition for the hardy (read daft) who were willing to brave the icy waters. Not to worry, there was the BBQ and beer to warm folks up afterwards.
Next event is a football competition - Scotland vs the World. Hopefully our 'girly footballers' (these are girls - though some of the lads could also come into this category...) will be taking part! Scotland vs The World will be followed by another BBQ (gosh, I can feel the rain clouds gathering already) and some (shock horror) live music.
Oh - dont forget the gigha Music Festival on 9-11 Sep - lots and lots of live acts and good time promised!
Hopefully a picture of a raft will accompany this blog - could not upload the ones I wanted since they were over 200K - most of my photies were!!

Posted on buttondiva at 16:10
Looks great, looks actually hot!
Sue from Oban
Can i just add that this years music festival is by ticket only so make sure you get yours early enough!
And is there any chance someone could explain to me why - when i put panfish into the search engine - this page came up!!!! I know when the raft race was on, people were humming the tune to jaws but i dont think panfish have bred any killer salmon just yet!!
Mags from Gigha
i was there on the day of the raft day it was fun my aunt took part in it
katie bannnatyne from isle of gigha
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