Oil Depots
Posted: Monday, 24 April 2006 |
1 comment |
Remember that huge fire at the Buncefield Oil Depot back in December? At the time, I launched the question whether it was such a good idea to have the oil depot in Stornoway in the town centre. An off-the-record reply from a local councillor back in December stated that they had no intention of shifting the tankpark.
Just to show you the situation at Stornoway. The tanks are within the yellow circle; I have pointed out the school (Nicolson Institute) and the ferry terminal for reference.

Nonetheless, it was recommended today that all such tanks be relocated out of built-up areas in the wake of the Buncefield fire. They were lucky that there were no casualties 4 months ago. Here in Stornoway, there shouldn't really be a problem. The tanks could easily be relocated 4 miles down the road to Arnish Point. There is no problem getting the tanker to berth there, as Glumag Harbour is very deep.
Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 22:34
The oil storage tanks in Orkney are situated in a very similar position near the harbourfront in KIrkwall. There is a lot of hot air being produced, but no sign of anything concrete. Nor likely to be. Action is more likely ro be reactive rather than preventitive. And then there's always the 'Hid'll no happen here' brigade.
Flying Cat from Orkney Mainland
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