Posted: Saturday, 01 July 2006 |
On Saturday afternoon, the sound of the increasing wind was drowned out by helicopter noise. The Coastguard helicopter Hotel Lima was hovering low over the Newton Basin. Below it lay a boat which had turned over. It is (as yet) not clear what caused the yacht to topple. At the time, there was a blustery wind force 5 from the south. We often hear of helicopter rescues hundreds of miles from land. This one was yards from land. Fortunately, the yachtsman appeared to be unhurt, though shaken.
The Stornoway lifeboat "Tom Sandersen" had to come out to recover the wreck of the boat, which was drifting out of the Newton Basin under the influence of the falling tide and the wind. The boat was put ashore on Goat Island and looked over by the lifeboat crew.

No further news has come through about the exact circumstances of this incident, which took place under the nose of the Coastguards in the Coastguard Station, which stands at the end of Newton Basin.
Posted on Arnish Lighthouse at 16:32
Arnish, why was the helicopter used rather than a boat, given then proximate location of the Coast Guard Station? Isn't the use of the helicopter both more dangerous (for the rescuers) and more expensive? Just curious.
mjc from NM,USA
I dont know 100% but takeing a guess, the helicopter may allready been in the vacinty at the time?
rick from isle of lewis
Dangerous for one boat, dangerous for another. Plus around that area of the harbour, it's quite risky due to submerged rocks etc.
Dave from Western Isles
UK Coastguards do not operate patrol boats or cutters like the USA Coastguard service and boats are not based by the coastguard station. The chopper was already airborne above Stornoway and just seconds away. In any case the sailor managed to swim ashore. The lifeboat service in the UK is an independent charity and relies upon volunteers - lifebaost are not constantly manned but crew are available on call.
John from Isle of Lewis
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