Visions of the future
Posted: Friday, 23 February 2007 |
This is just the sort of pedestrian conjestion outside Woolies that I mentioned in Calum's blog. Well done Arnish for such an excellent illiustration of the point.
Annie B from the usual
Hi Arnish, I see from yesterdays papers that your yard may be resurrected to build Pelamises ( should that be Pelamides, hellenic scholars please assist ) for our wave farm.
Hyper-Borean from All at sea
Sunshine. On Lewis. I didn't know it happened..... And all these people! Where do they all come from?
Flying Cat from lost in admiration
Where do they all belong? FC
Hyper-Borean from Father MacKenzie's presbytery
I totally agree with Annie B regarding the posting from Arnish but do they know something we don,t,is there going to be a massive sale at Woolworth in the not to distant future for cars to park like that.And did she realise that her congratulations was also well justified for the Arnish posting in that they solved the parking problem in stornoway,with out knowing it,or at least not pointing out the fact that they knew.? that essentially if you can,t find anymore land to create parking space ,"the only way is up" as to where, let me see, who took away the parking spaces we had for the new art centre,.Hmmm, me thinks its a case of the man who was handed a plate of mince for the first time,he didn,t like the look of it so he instructed the cook to take it away,don,t you want it the cook asked him,no said the man,give it to the bugger who chewed it,let him eat it,Use your imagination ,you will figure it out,.
The New Point Bard from Point