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16 October 2014


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Identity Crisis

The Manse Cat has been upset by a few invaders in his life, first of all there was a ginger tom that negotiated the cat flap and ran amok in our office. He valiently stood his ground until one noisy confrontation and then ran for cover under our bed.

The red-alien was subsequently also frightened and left a rather pungent odour all over the books and furniture in the office in his efforts to find his ball of string to take him back to the cat flap. Regular shaking-and-vaccing has just about elimnated most of it and The Manse Cat can now enter the office to take up his bed on our desk without the aid of an oxygen mask.

Having got over that indiginity he found that someone has stolen his blogging identity. He suspects it may be the husband, but neither of us have caught him at it. Still he feels he has to now distance himself from that identity and re-launch himself under a new name.

He was toying with the idea of 'Funky Feline'. Since the operation at the vet he has been acting a bit funny, but even so I think it sounds a bit too feminine. any suggestions are welcome. He's thinking of applying for a passport in the near future, so would like a name that would look good on his ID card.

As for my attempts at health improvements...well the exercise is increased from walking to the office (I work from home!) to running the 50 yards down the corridor. It's not much, but as I've lots a few ounces, it must be working.

The exercise videos are still gathering dust, so an afternoon dusting them, must be worth some more calories. As for watching them - well let's not get too enthusiastic.

The football training starts on the 28th, so I must increase my jogging distance to 100 yards before then, so will tie my suspenders to the banister before attempting to get to the office. The resistance training will be very beneficial.

I hope all the organisers and participants of the Fank are now in remission from the build up and can cope to settle down for a while before next year. I salute you - I'm desperately sorry I missed it, but the husband hid the car keys and tied down our wheelie bin with a large chain.
Posted on MadLamb at 22:05

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Comments As long as the manse cat is suitably disguised whilst writing his blog, us mere humans should be none the wiser. How about a dog disguise? He could write a dogblog!

mb from Ayr

Manse cat is such a fine name it would be a shame to loose it. However, if you must, how about The Mighty Mog ; Magnificat; Catharticus; Catullus - I could think of more but I need my beauty sleep and the Sunroom of Eternity calls.

Flying cat from Orkney Mainland

for a cat from such erudite surroundings surely it should be Bibliocat?

mia from central belt

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