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16 October 2014

MadLamb - November 2006

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The Last Post?

Well the anchor didn't work (see In for the long Haul). It is with sadness that I need to inform the Island Blogging community that Me, The Husband and MC will be heading sooth in December.

We will be attaching ourselves permanently to the Big Island, in a place called Devon. Not that I really want to give them too much advance warning as they may put up the barriers on the M5 to resist our arrival.

MC is currenty trying to work out how he can take severval bunnies (for long term amusement) in his luggage - especially with the new weight restrictions I have imposed to parallel Loganair's current wisdom. Though I'm not sure the chap who tends the rugby pitch behind the new house will welcome MC's friends.

I may manage another posting before we go, but I'm conscious that time and packing waits for no man, and especially a woman who can only type with repeated use of the backspace key.

However, I will be going out with a flourish. I am helping out with Radio Orkney's first Children in Need Grand Variety Concert, to be broadcast on the usual local FM frequency, but also available for lesser mortals via the Internet (oooh - aaaah). The 'Lamb will be attempting to make a few funnies, but they will have a distinct Orkney flavour, so translations will be available on request.

For anyone wishing to follow the events, I've added the usual Radio Orkney CHiN website to my list opposite.

Farewell. I will remember ye fondly. (And may even make the occasional comment)

Posted on MadLamb at 16:14

One Final Flourish

I thought I would sneak one last post - perhaps - before MC, The husband and I toddle off this mortal isle.

In all the excitement of the Children In Need Concert, I forgot to air my finest chattels, they being a few choice comedic lines, which I can only use in Orkney, so others beware - you may not appreciate this...[translation provided where necessary]

I mentioned CCTV which was installed in Kirkwall relatively recently, of course some farmers have been using it for ages to keep an eye out during calving season. It could be called KCTV (Kye Calving TV).

Mind you the cows now can't get up to the parties to celebrate each arrival under the glare of the cameras, but they could adapt and start up the Evening Moos.

[Kye is orcadian for cow or cows]

Or this...

Whassigo [Radio programme on Radio Orkney] has been good to help me, as a ferry louper, to get used to the Orkney language. I've been able to pick up new words like peedie, meaning small and bruck, meaning a dodgy radio programme.

It's also been good to find out that some words I'd use for one thing Orcadians would use for something else. Such as pooch. I'd use it for a dog, whereas Orcadians would use it for pocket. Before I knew that I was collecting money for charity when someone told me they were going to put their hand it their 'pooch' to get some change out - I was mortified.

I've also found out that raffle not only means a charity draw but getting into a tangle, or even a fight. So that makes charity events in Orkney a dangerous place to be - as there's ALWAYS a raffle involved.

Well that's that off my chest. Now to see if The Husband has packed MC in the process of clearing the office. I'm sure MC was last seen on top of the bookcase, but I hear a rustling from below a pile of boxes. But then, it could just be the mice celebrating MC's impemnding departure.

Only 7 days to go. It could all end in tears...
... and that's just my act. [[[drum roll and cymbal crash]]]

You'll be glad when I'm gone - they always are.
Posted on MadLamb at 22:04

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