Unst Up Helly Aa's - over for anidder year.
Posted: Tuesday, 26 February 2008 |
For the last month my life seems to have revolved around Up Helly Aa, first there was the visit to the Big Een in Lerwick, where there were over 900 guizers, and the weather was perfect.
(Ok, sorry everyone, but after the comment on this blog from Diamondbigdod, I have to do a bit o tweaking. So I have to say that the previous paragraph has a serious omission. I have actually been Up Helly Aa-ing for about a month and a half, the first UHA I attended being the Scalloway Fire Festival, and I have to say it was EXCELLENT. I had a great night oot there with my pall Mrs Diamondbigdod-PlusHerOwnNameToo. So huge apologies to all offended parties. Ok, tweaking over.)
Then on the 5th of February my boyfriend from Norway and his friend came to stay for a week, so they could take part in Unst's first UHA of the year, in Uyeasound. (Pronounced You-ee-sound in case you were struggling) We had a really great time, the only negative being that the week went so fast that it felt like a couple of days. I didn't get any photos of Uyeasound UHA, apart from when the Jarl Squad visited the school, and a few on the following day, when we spotted them oot for a photoshoot in Belmont at the sooth end o Unst.

Mini Vikings in the Galley Hausakliver.

Arne and friend visiting the school.

My norskis had a great time, and we took time out among the socialising to relax at Norik beach.

Arne got creative with the camera - Mountainman, do you recognise this kindo rock?

For Norik UHA, we had to replace a few of our squad, not least as some were back home in Norway. Here we are, our act was a sort of Spice Girl Wannabe thing where we were local Unst folk talent spotted by Simon Cowell and making up a new tribute band. Sounds a bit corny, I guess you had to be there!! We got a lot of laughs, which was what we were aiming for. The only one missing in this pic is Posh, who was actually a curtain pole with a head stuck on the top and wheels for transport purposes. We gave her a boob job between Uyeasoond and Norik UHAs, if I ever find where she went I'll try and get a photo up here for you.

The wind was rather high on UHA night, so the procession was postponed till the following day.
Jarl Erik Da Red, or Alan Clark as he is more usually known, with the Galley Eydis.

It was a better night than the previous one, but it was still FREEZING!

Not much of the galley left here.

Now that the Galleys are all burnt and the ashes buried, I can get back to all the stuff I've been trying to ignore for the last 2 months or so. I'll hang up my outfit, (oh, can you guess which one I am?) and forget about it. Or will I? I think the Spice Girls Wannabes may make an appearance in Lerwick in June. Well, we spent such a lot of time making costumes, it'd be a shame to never wear them again!
Posted on Ruthodanort at 14:28
Great blog, Ruth, it looks like you all had a good time (but it does look cold!). I see that Mac managed to get in the photos - what a dog. He certainly gets around ...
Jill from EK
Are you Scary?
Flying Cat from just wondering
great pics of UHA Ruthie. I'll have to go and see it sometime!
kittster from edi
I can confirm that the Spice Girls Wannabes were very funny and that Posh was indeed a very accurate look alike!
Twisted from Still Laughing
thanks for another good one ruthie,i wish i could take such good snaps and have the witty comments to go with them!
carol from frae here
Oh...I thought she was Scary...another comment gone missing...
Flying Cat from lost comments bin
FC, you are right, I think Twisted was just commenting on Posh, not guessin who I was. I found Posh, actually, our Ginger Spice brought her to work today, but she's lost her hair and boobs now. If I can track doon the lost parts then a photo may eventually happen.
Ruthodanort from Unst
Mac was requested to be on loan whilst Ruth entertained her Norskis. Mac has also MSN'd Arne. Such a clever dog as he is.
His Norsk is also improving.
Muness from Fetlar with Mac
Transgender re-alignment surgery...another string to Unst's regeneration bow...
Flying Cat from lost bits, I know how she feels
"First there was the visit to the Big Een in Lerwick"?? May the flees of a thousand camels infest your underwear drawer Ruthie. A full explanation to all our dear friends in IB followed by a sincere apology to all your 'friends' in and around Scalloway would be the very least I would expect.
Diamondbigdod from Very Disappointed
Ruth thanks for some interesting posts, I'm just catching up, cold maybe but you all look like you had a fun time,
island threads from lewis
Humble apologies, diamondbigdod. Yes, the Scallowa Fire Festival was first, as my previous blogs show. But you had better get those camels oot o my underwear drawer if you want your peedie diamonds tae hae a weekend in Unst!!
Ruthodanort from Unst
I'll tell ye what I want, what I really, really want, I wanna baby sitter for that bloomin' spam fritter.
If ye wanna be a blogger, Ruthie is yer friend.
Making blogs is easy, until you reach the end. So tell me what you want, what you really really want, you wanna new spam fritter, or you'll be a quitter...
Tws from Spice World
Imcon is quite fanciable with that long hair and dress.
southnoo from here
Well, I guessed that you were one of the three on the right, but since we've never met that's as close as I could come. I'll be waiting for the Posh pics.
CVBruce from CA, USA
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