Septic Peg the Fortune Teller
Posted: Wednesday, 08 November 2006 |
Halloween in Unst brings out the bairns in force, this year being no exception, although the wedder was cold, wet n windy.
Last year I was quite jealous of the bairns fun with the guisin, so this year Septic Peg was born. She held court in the hall of my house, which was draped in dark blue fabric and lit with pumkin lanterns. (Yes a deviation from the traditional neepy lantern, but a helluva lot easier to hawk oot.) A crystal ball was produced, (actually one o those Plasma Lamps number 2 son got for christmas one year) and the evening was spent with Septic Peg and numerous bairns peering into the future.
All the bairns that came guisin went away with Norwegian sweets and cookies, brought back from a recent visit to my 'kjereste'. (Think that's how you spell that, not convinced-still a beginner at the Norsk.)
Septic Peg then appeared again at the Fetlar bairns Halloween Party on Friday, as did Damadcoo. For more pics go here: (Am tryin to put in a live link here but it doesn't appear to be working.) Then click on News.
Here's a couple o pics of Peg

Last year I was quite jealous of the bairns fun with the guisin, so this year Septic Peg was born. She held court in the hall of my house, which was draped in dark blue fabric and lit with pumkin lanterns. (Yes a deviation from the traditional neepy lantern, but a helluva lot easier to hawk oot.) A crystal ball was produced, (actually one o those Plasma Lamps number 2 son got for christmas one year) and the evening was spent with Septic Peg and numerous bairns peering into the future.
All the bairns that came guisin went away with Norwegian sweets and cookies, brought back from a recent visit to my 'kjereste'. (Think that's how you spell that, not convinced-still a beginner at the Norsk.)
Septic Peg then appeared again at the Fetlar bairns Halloween Party on Friday, as did Damadcoo. For more pics go here: (Am tryin to put in a live link here but it doesn't appear to be working.) Then click on News.
Here's a couple o pics of Peg

Posted on Ruthodanort at 08:55