Highs and Lows
Posted: Thursday, 04 January 2007 |

Well Godt Nytt 脜r to all. No it doesn't translate as good night all - it's Norsk for Happy New Year.
I have had such a good time over the holidays, with my kids being with me for christmas this year, and my mum and dad coming up from Orkney, and my boyfriend from Norway visiting for a fortnight.
All the travelling arrangements went without a problem, so a big PHEW there. (accompanied by wiping of the brow.)
Damadcoo and Muness Views took in the New Year with us, and we celebrated with some champagne and hibiscus flowers. Damadcoo provided both the tipple and flowers which came all the way from Oz. Don't know if you could say the flowers were a resounding success, but at least we can say we tried it. And they made the champagne a pretty colour.
Anyway, the holidays were filled with lots of good highs, the only low coming yesterday really, when my mum and dad left again for Orkney on the ferry and I took my boyfriend to the airport and watched his plane leave.
But every cloud has a silver lining, and I'm counting the days to the end of January when I'll see him again in Norway.
Posted on Ruthodanort at 13:21