Visiting Orkney
Posted: Friday, 06 April 2007 |
I came doon to Orkney on Sunday, and am bidin with my Mum n Dad in Orphir for a week. The intention was to get Halle (Dad's Orkney Yole) ready for the water, get her afloat and have a few sails oot. Well, so far we have given relevent parts of her a few coats of varnish, given her a coat of antifouling, and washed down her hull. But the weather has decreed that there will be no sailing. Life sucks sometimes, but there you have it.
Anyway, my oldest daughter came down the other day too and together we have been keeping ourselves busy with window shopping and having mochas and lattes in various cafes. Very holiday-esque, don't you think?
Also I've been catching up with various friends that I havn't seen for a while, which has been all very enjoyable. I went a walk to the Ness in Stromness the other night with a pall, we intended to make it a good pulse-increasing hour, but got cold and instead scurried off to another friends for a couple glasses o wine! Here's a shot she took of me with borrowed hat, and Hoy (nearly visible in the haze) in the background.

Anyway, my oldest daughter came down the other day too and together we have been keeping ourselves busy with window shopping and having mochas and lattes in various cafes. Very holiday-esque, don't you think?
Also I've been catching up with various friends that I havn't seen for a while, which has been all very enjoyable. I went a walk to the Ness in Stromness the other night with a pall, we intended to make it a good pulse-increasing hour, but got cold and instead scurried off to another friends for a couple glasses o wine! Here's a shot she took of me with borrowed hat, and Hoy (nearly visible in the haze) in the background.

Posted on Ruthodanort at 13:26
Bobby's Bus Shelter
Posted: Friday, 13 April 2007 |
The Unst Bus Shelter (we have more than one bus shelter in Unst but this one deserves the definite article) is known locally as Bobby's Bus Shelter. It is one of Unst's premier visitor attractions, and the visitor book is well worth a read, usually studded with the witty comments of many well travelled tourists. Frequently throught the summer months you can see people posing inside for a photo that will bring back memories of Unst's quirky sense of humour.
It's a great place for a rest, even if you don't have a bus to wait for. You can relax and have a meat pie from the hot snacks counter, or sit a while and watch the tv. At Christmas time it's a fine stop for a peerie sit and a dram, and you will be cheered by the festive lights in the cold night.
The award winning website for the shelter is currently undergoing some tweaking, but will be back with us soon. For some more info on Unst, and some great photos, go to

It's a great place for a rest, even if you don't have a bus to wait for. You can relax and have a meat pie from the hot snacks counter, or sit a while and watch the tv. At Christmas time it's a fine stop for a peerie sit and a dram, and you will be cheered by the festive lights in the cold night.
The award winning website for the shelter is currently undergoing some tweaking, but will be back with us soon. For some more info on Unst, and some great photos, go to


Posted on Ruthodanort at 11:58
Groatie buckies and more norski sheep!
Posted: Friday, 27 April 2007 |
Last weekend the we went a peedie wander to Burrafirth Beach. It was a bit windy but the sun shone nicely, giving us a taste of the summer yet to come. (I always find it helps to be positive in life.) (Even in the face of the trials and tribulations I face as a result of TWS blogs.)
Anyway, I picked up a few pretty pink shells, and then found A GROATIE BUCKIE!!! For those o you no in the know, a groatie buckie is a cowrie shell. My mum always searches for them on beaches, and I grew up valuing them much higher than other shells. Well, I found 6 groatie buckies in one short stretch o sand, which pleased me no end.

I believe a long time ago groatie buckies were used as currency. Does anyone know if this is the case?
When I was in Norway in February I had the privilage of being part of a group shown round an Agricultural College in Aurland. I've already blogged some photos of this trip, but I wondered if Dag and TTGMITN would be interested in these pix?

I was trying to post 2 more pix of sheep and a goat, (for Hermit) but it wont let me.
Anyway, I picked up a few pretty pink shells, and then found A GROATIE BUCKIE!!! For those o you no in the know, a groatie buckie is a cowrie shell. My mum always searches for them on beaches, and I grew up valuing them much higher than other shells. Well, I found 6 groatie buckies in one short stretch o sand, which pleased me no end.

I believe a long time ago groatie buckies were used as currency. Does anyone know if this is the case?
When I was in Norway in February I had the privilage of being part of a group shown round an Agricultural College in Aurland. I've already blogged some photos of this trip, but I wondered if Dag and TTGMITN would be interested in these pix?

I was trying to post 2 more pix of sheep and a goat, (for Hermit) but it wont let me.
Posted on Ruthodanort at 16:37