the universal, grander scheme
Posted: Saturday, 15 March 2008 |
In the Universal, grander scheme
some things are meant to be
the reasons why, although we pry
are not for us to see
like swirling storms that last for days
and show us natures' wrath
why must we suffer and endure
why not a quiet path?

those days are not without an end
there's always some respite
-the days of beauty, oh so calm
filled with warmth and light.
We don't know when those days will come
but we know they surely will
and our bodies will recuperate still

Now what about our busy minds..
i hope that we can see,
they're not so different from the storms a strange analogy.
The raging torrent of our thoughts
can knock us off our feet
the rushing rota of our lives
must work..must drive..must eat.

so look out for those days of peace
amidst the mental riot
allow your mind to be quite still
no thought..just calm..and quiet

please don't try to fill the "gap"
with tv, or the web
no mp3... no MTV..
to spin around your head.
Those days are there to heal your mind give your soul a lift
accept them in the grander scheme
enjoy them as a gift.

copyright 2008
Posted on isles pictures at 10:57