Tunnel of Love?
Posted: Monday, 05 February 2007 |
Can’t wait for this Thursday’s Gazette for more details about plans for an underwater link between the Western Isles and the mainland. Seemingly the idea has come from the Outer Hebrides Economic Forum. With this sort of creative thinking I can only think that Calum and Donald must be involved. (And it’s not even April) It seems only a matter of time till we have a Tunnel of Love for the fank and Eoro-star trains from the mainland to Eoropie. All of Ness’s finest retail outlets will have to stock up on notebooks, pens, thermos flasks and tartan shopping bags for the train spotters. (‘Look children, a train!’) Wonder if we can expect to see Ewan McGregor at South Dell Sidings in a hardcore anorak?
Posted on Annie Beag at 22:38
Valentine Pin Up
Posted: Wednesday, 14 February 2007 |
Chrissie Mary and I are that pleased to hear that we've got a choice of 30 men between us now since so many other women have left the island. We're very excited about meeting them all.
FC seems to be making bosom buddies for folks in the Northern Isles so they shouldn't be lonely but we thought it might be a kind gesture to let the ladies there have one of one of our men that's going spare - since we seem to have a glut.
Here's Murdo John in his Fank Marshal vest. We asked him to look smouldering for the camera seeing as it was coming up to Valentine's Day. What a treat.
He's set a very high standard for our other 29 bodachs.
FC seems to be making bosom buddies for folks in the Northern Isles so they shouldn't be lonely but we thought it might be a kind gesture to let the ladies there have one of one of our men that's going spare - since we seem to have a glut.
Here's Murdo John in his Fank Marshal vest. We asked him to look smouldering for the camera seeing as it was coming up to Valentine's Day. What a treat.

He's set a very high standard for our other 29 bodachs.
Posted on Annie Beag at 00:05
Sheepish looks
Posted: Thursday, 22 February 2007 |
Anne (all things in moderation at IBHQ) set me thinking with her report about the pink rabbits. I was wondering whether feeding our sheep a diet of marag and mustard would produce Macleod of Lewis tartan on the hoof.
Just like the WIT (Western Isles Tunnel), it seems I’m only just catching up with the times. Seemingly someone’s already producing coloured sheep,,,
... and there’s even a place on the mainland that’s rearing tartan sheep.
Just like the WIT (Western Isles Tunnel), it seems I’m only just catching up with the times. Seemingly someone’s already producing coloured sheep,,,

... and there’s even a place on the mainland that’s rearing tartan sheep.

Posted on Annie Beag at 18:07
A Blogger's Dream
Posted: Tuesday, 27 February 2007 |
I had a very disturbed night last night with all sorts of dreams about red fish and wind-powered energy and toll roads and statues like the Angel of the North and tunnels and the new Ski-gersta winter sports complex and hallucinogenic chocolate and street furniture – whatever that is.
When I woke up I remembered my sleepy vision that the Western Isles Council had commissioned a landmark for the entrance to a new road tunnel emerging near Adabrock. This is an e-fit of what it looked like:
Do you think we'd get funding from the Highland Year of Culture people for a statue representing aspects of popular local blogging culture?
When I woke up I remembered my sleepy vision that the Western Isles Council had commissioned a landmark for the entrance to a new road tunnel emerging near Adabrock. This is an e-fit of what it looked like:

Do you think we'd get funding from the Highland Year of Culture people for a statue representing aspects of popular local blogging culture?
Posted on Annie Beag at 19:16