Posted: Thursday, 22 December 2005 |
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So you will never guess what happened today, wir Dad came home with a metal gate thing which is apparently used for babies, and I am thinking to myself well there are no babies in this house, and then I remember, Maggie. And so he puts it all together and bolts it onto the wall so that we can't get through to the bedrooms, and I am thinking, what's going on here, then I remember when I saw that vet man that came up from Glasgow and he asked where I slept and my Mam told him that I mostly slept on the end of Rob's bed and he said that probably wasn't the best place with my dust mite allergy and all. But I know that's not the reason, you see peerie Maggie, who normally sleeps in her dog cage thing in the kitchen has started to wake at all hours throught the night, and then wir Dad has to get up and put her out just in case she needs to pee, then he puts her back and she greets and greets, so the idea is that I have to sleep with her in the passge in a dog bed (oh the shame of it!) to keep her quite. Now I am not conviced, and don't think that me being there will keep her quite, she doesn't do anything I tell her, so I don't think she will start now. And all this after three and half years of sleeping on a nice cosy HUMAN bed, it's just not right! But time will tell.
Oh and Hi to the Quarff dogs and thanks for your comments, don't worry about the weather, it's pretty normal for this time of year, god I still haven't got used to the wind, rain, cold, snow but Shetland's really a pretty good place to be, imagine having to live in a big city, nah, I don't think so.
Speak soon.
Posted on A dogs life at 00:12
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