ET - Can't phone home, or anywhere, even Unst!
Posted: Monday, 18 September 2006 |
Shows how long I've been away from the blog. It took me ten password attempts to log in. All the magnolia fumes of Ruthodanort and the other bloggers have obviously gone to my head.
Anyway here's highlights of the story over the past month:
I can't blog regularly because I still don't have a phone line. You can dial the number and hear it ring, but it doesn't ring in the house. Maybe its been hijacked by the phone police. Anyway, customer service are dealing with it. Having said that, the trusty mobile phone works within 20 mm of the window or outside the upstairs window.
The furniture hasn't arrived yet so there isn't a great deal to sit at, around or on. But its coming on the 25th (Xmas is obviously 3 months early this year). Perhaps I'll have a phone by then.
House has been redecorated in Magnolia - (a gorgeous colour) and white. Several bloggers came over and slaved away painting over the attractive existing colour scheme. Mac was seriously impressed with their handiwork. So much so that he left hairs on beautiful white skirting boards the day after. Anyway, the house reeked so I've spent as little time in the gloss areas as possible.
My landlords have refitted the kitchen, replaced a window and fixed the problem of the leaking ceiling all in the time I've been there. Its all new & clean and was done really quickly.
Ruthodanort has been here, there & every where recently but I'll let her update the world.
Mac has developed a penchant for shoes and being sick on the carpet. What a dog!
Its been foggy throughout the last week so there's nothing to see, but here's a picture of the mist creeping up the burn
Anyway here's highlights of the story over the past month:
I can't blog regularly because I still don't have a phone line. You can dial the number and hear it ring, but it doesn't ring in the house. Maybe its been hijacked by the phone police. Anyway, customer service are dealing with it. Having said that, the trusty mobile phone works within 20 mm of the window or outside the upstairs window.
The furniture hasn't arrived yet so there isn't a great deal to sit at, around or on. But its coming on the 25th (Xmas is obviously 3 months early this year). Perhaps I'll have a phone by then.
House has been redecorated in Magnolia - (a gorgeous colour) and white. Several bloggers came over and slaved away painting over the attractive existing colour scheme. Mac was seriously impressed with their handiwork. So much so that he left hairs on beautiful white skirting boards the day after. Anyway, the house reeked so I've spent as little time in the gloss areas as possible.
My landlords have refitted the kitchen, replaced a window and fixed the problem of the leaking ceiling all in the time I've been there. Its all new & clean and was done really quickly.
Ruthodanort has been here, there & every where recently but I'll let her update the world.
Mac has developed a penchant for shoes and being sick on the carpet. What a dog!
Its been foggy throughout the last week so there's nothing to see, but here's a picture of the mist creeping up the burn

Posted on Muness Views at 16:02