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16 October 2014


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sad farewell...

I sit here, in my spare room, in front of the computer, trying to think of words suitable for this occasion.

Like a sad bereavement, there are none.

We have been to yet another sad funeral this weekend of a very young adult, the fourth of my sons' friends to die in unfortunate circumstances. Taken too soon, before their time, snatched away from us.

Island Blogging has been a good friend - always there, always supportive, always able to listen and share a cup of tea or coffee. Always there when I was lonely, when I was down, and when I was feeling the world was against me. Island blogging gave me my escape, gave me something to look forward to when I felt no one else was there, and like a good friend comforted me and entertained, educated and informed me of a world I knew nothing about. I may never visit the Western isles, or Islay, or Jura, but I feel I know lots more about them and I feel familiar wih them. I know that if I ever visit Dell I will make a stop at the Fank for sure.

I have made e-mail contact with folk I would never have met otherwise, and I have discovered stuff about my friends I never knew!

I feel quite shaken that the words '大象传媒 Scotland Island Blogging' will not be in my list of favorites to click on every night, it feels quite like a bereavement to think its gone for ever.

I feel really sad!
Posted on Scallowawife at 22:03


I feel the same, Scallo - like a bereavement, if that's not using the term too lightly. IB is part of my daily routine. Let's hope some solution can be found, eh? Good luck.

Jill from EK

I am so sorry about yet another young loss for you and how you feel too about Island Blogging. The loss here is of many friends known, yet unknown. I reflect upon your blogs often as I still miss my Scalloway friend who died just a few years ago. Like IB she never leaves my heart for long. I am sad too and therefore right beside you.

northern light from beside you

So it was you that drunk all the coffee then? IB will be a sad loss, I filled out a complaint form. To some, Island Blogging is their only contact with the outside world, scary eh? Well at least you got educated SW, I know which blogger gave you that education, but I won't say ( nudge, nudge, wink, wink) but we all know who that blogger is, don't we?

Tws from The Front Room

Jill, northern light and Tws, certain IB.ers are working day and night with 4-D plans to ensure that you and all other IB:ers will go into 2009 with your ears pricked up, flags flying and dogs' tails wagging - adn your blog plans blooming! Tws, you Wittgenstien of the North, roll up your sleeves and sharpen your mouse!!! Time to get moving again, oldd pal. "Shake off dull sloth, and with the sun, his own appointed course do run".

Barney from Swithiod tired but not tiring

I suppose the thing to strive for, is not to expect any logic in these matters of bereavement ... Not to expect it to make sense ... Certainly not to expect it to be fair ... Not to expect anything really ... Hard to do though ... and doesn;t help their nearest and dearest missing them ... Re IB: I sort of get the feeling that we'll all still be here ... Just from somewhere else, that's all ... :-)

soaplady from know that feeling

I have not commented before and this is about IB as i see it. I went to Scotland home page and loged onto AL,s posting and what came up on the next page was if you wished to continue you had to pay out hard earned money(no more freebies) AS IB does not return a cash flow to the Beep it is being killed of as simple as that ( It has nothing to do with the software) and TWS i have also passed a comment to Carol at IBHQ, just trying to do my part in keeping the isles family together. Regards to you all.

roy from Sofala.Oz

Scallow come join the ew site :) http://island-blogging.co.uk/

Barebraes from Shapinsay

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