the challenge
Posted: Monday, 07 January 2008 |
I don't know if you COULD see these colours afresh IT, they are so sludgy and unfresh! Even juggling them around just makes me think of institutional corridors and hospital puddngs...
Flying Cat from being absolutely no help at all!
I knew the colours reminded me of something but I couldn't think what, thanks for reminding me. I can understand you not wanting to do a piece on the horrors of the suffragette movement but couldn't you do something about the good that came out of it i'e 'Women getting the vote'
Susan D from Liverpool
yes Susan D I perhaps could but for a few days I couldn't seem to get the images out of my head, since writing this post it is getting better so I am hoping time will heal and I will be able to do something completely different in a week of two, the inages it produced were all so unexpected and at first I was wishing I had not signed up, I keep wondering if it is intentional of Sharon to pick the concept of admiration and colours of sufferage.....
island threads from lewis
Think not then of something to represent, rather something in honour giving you the freedom to portray as you wish. Angela who was reminded of heather glens, soggy walking boots, blisters & the pub that will always be at the end of that hill track...
Angela from Mid tax return
I think most people were unprepared for this challenge as the last one had such predefined ideas. However, I think, this challenge is brilliant because it is exactly what sharonb said...take it that I took it meant to take your work and creativity further, break down the self impose boundaries we all impose because we don't think we are capable of going further. Must admit I was stumped at first but that is not the first for me and as I was working on a couple of other projects, I muldered over the ideas and colours.I still haven't started but the image is beginning to emerge and gel in my head and once I have finished my other 2 projects, I will be ready. I think the suffragette idea is a good jumping off point and certainly original, so if I was you I would keep in mind and develop it.
jacqui from Texas
Perhaps it was, as it's 90 years this year since some women where given the vote i.e those over 30 with property.
Susan D from Liverpool
more lost posts arriving, thanks to everyone for all advice, I do have an image for 'the vote' and I think I might go with it although a couple of other ideas have swam along side, like you Angela I thought of the moor landscape too, i also thought of my cave symbols, Susan I didn't know it was the 30th anni thanks,
island threads from lewis
opps 90th anniversary,
island threads from lewis