If I Had a Hammer
Posted: Tuesday, 29 August 2006 |
Heart warming. There are naturally good folks and friendly neighbors in the world. A community is a wonderful thing. Hope Runestone has equally good experiences in Sanday. # Barebraes, your job looks like a daunting one. Be careful. A moment of inattention, a broken arm or leg could set your construction back a while. In NM construction work can go on pretty much year round, but I suspect it is not the same in Shapinsay. Remember: patience; delays are inevitable. {I am pretty good at giving unsollicited advice, but not equally good at taking it!! One of my many defects, unfortunately..}
mjc from NM,USA
Thanks for the advice mjc. We are just realising the enormity of our task and the oncoming winter winds , We are investing in a lot of tarpaulin and rope. As for the health and safety tips if you can stand at the top of a ladder in a stiff breeze here without loosing your nerve or your hard hat then you must be made of stiff stuff, I am made of neither and only will stand at the bottom.
Barebraes from Shapinsay
Picking up speed, eh? How many do you need to put up before covering 24 meters? Yes, do show us the different stages.
mjc from NM,USA
How are things going? Has the weather been good? Did you take time off this weekend to make roast beef, yorkshire pudding and a fruit pie? Something else, even tastier? It's been a week since their departure date, and not a peep from Runestone: hope they made it to Sanday safely.
mjc from NM,USA
we have to erect 40 trusses to get to the end, yes we had a rest this weeekend. Now we got a bit more wall building to do. The weathers favourable at the moment, fingers crossed. Yes I hope Runestone gets in touch soon
Barebraes from Shapinsay
40 trusses sounds like a major medical emergency. Quick, call out Jock Strap the builder!
Flying Cat from a pharmaceutical supplier's emporium
I expect Barebraes and Paul want to do the project themselves. Hard to tell how heavy those trusses are. If the holding walls could be prepared/levelled ahead of time, a mechanical hoist could be of tremendous help (I should think) by lifting the trusses and lining them, but it probably would have to be brought from outside the island. Speed, however, may not be that important to Barebraes (and Paul).
mjc from NM,USA
A hoist would have been good but we built them flat on the wall plate and with some help from a rope and a long peice of wood they were lifted manually. All good fun.
Barebraes from Shapinsay ( from the truss hospital)
Roof's coming along nicely mum! I'm writing from work at the moment and have been showing my colleagues your site as they are always asking how you and Paul are getting along. Some think you're mad doing all the work on your own (me included!) but we're glad it's going well. Janice say's her dogs would love your garden! Any chance of posting a map of the islands on here so we can see which one you're on? Best go I suppose - I should be working! Love Abbs xx
The Daughter from Sunny Southend
Dear Daughter just for you I am posting a new blog just for you .... with a map I am glad that your colleagues are following our progress and YES we are MAD!!!!!!!
Barebraes from Shapinsay