Visiting Folk in Orkney
Posted: Friday, 29 December 2006 |

I just LOVE living here in the !! My worst fear while falling in love with Erlend was that I'd move to his island and I'd hate it. Instead I have found Orkney to be absolutely beautiful and the Orcadians to be absolutely wonderful.
Folk around here love to visit! Before our wedding a zillion people visited Erlend's house because here it is traditional to have a "showing of the gifts" for about a month before the wedding rather then a one-time gift-giving party like we have in America. Then, at Christmas, everyone makes the rounds passing out cards and finally there is this Hogmany thing coming up where we are all going to go out and visit one another some more! I can see that I will never be lonely in Orkney!
I've noticed that the Orcadians enjoy experiencing me experiencing Orkney. No one ever seems offended when I bungle up their language or when I have to say, "Huh??" a thousand times throughout our conversation. We have a hearty laugh at my mistakes and they get a total kick out of me speaking their words. (I just cannot get any of those Norse vowels and the's impossible for me!!)
Whenever Erlend and I visit someone we are treated like royalty! About an hour after we arrive the woman of the house cracks out this lovely supper of biscuits, cheese, sweets and drinks all round - not to mention hot tea! And then we are urged and urged again to eat up and drink up. And boy do we need the supper because Orcadians stay up LATE when they visit! It's rare to leave someone's house before midnight. Which is fine by me because we are always having such great conversation! (Even if I can only understand parts of it haha!)
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 21:11