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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Severely humbled

I have just been severely humbled and brought back down to earth.

I was moaning to myself about how hard it was to find a "good pair" of shoes. Me, who owns about ten pairs of shoes. "Oh poor me! I can't find a good pair of shoes for church!" At least I have shoes. I need to get over myself.

I just received a letter from Mr. Stephen Meh of Liberia. He can't read so his grandson writes his letters. He is 80 years old and lives in a shack that we wouldn't use to house cattle - never mind human beings. He was doing very poorly in health because he couldn't get medical care. I thought his wife, Mrs. Agnes Meh, was dead but it turns out that she is alive and well! (Thank God!)

As Mr. Meh spoke his grandson wrote down his word. Here is this man living in dire poverty and all he can do is send his prayers and blessings that me and Erlend are doing well! "I pray that you will be blessed with many lambs and calves" he writes in reply to my letter telling him about living on a farm. Then he inquires joyfully, "Now that you are married do you have any children? It is so wonderful that you are married!"

Then the grandson writes that Mr. Meh's health has improved since now he has access to health care! The next time I feel like grumbling about the health care services at my beck and call I'll remember this elder living in his shack and previously wheelchair-bound from lack of ANY health care!!

Not an ounce of self-pity comes through this letter. Instead this letter radiates joy and sends prayers for my (and Erlend's) well-being and a bountiful harvest of crops, calves and lambs.

What was that about shoes? Huh! Never mind!!

It's so good to have Mr. and Mrs. Meh's prayers!

Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 13:33


over here in the western world,we have every comfort going and still we moan we want this we want that,we should all be grateful for what we've got and we could maybe learn some lessons from those who have less,but are content with their lot

carol from france

Hi there, I jumped over from your other blog. I'm glad I can comment on this one. I've wanted to comment on the other one, but understand why you removed the comment option. Anyway.... You're way over there in Scotland. I'm way over here in America. I love what you write. Somehow I'm comforted knowing someone is in another part of the world with the same of thoughts as myself. Hang in there with your "no whining" rule. It'll pay off. Perhaps there needs to be an understanding with the hubby so he won't misunderstand his woman. We're mysterious creatures you know. :) Take care. Kaye :)

Kaye from USA (Tennessee)

i feel for you. i gave up sponsering charities some years ago as i was always upset by the plight of third world countries,but came to realise i couldn't support all the famine and unhappiness in the world,so i know its maybe not nice but i helped get up a petition through my local church(i was a church elder until feb 2006) to reduce the debt towards third world countries but now give any spare cash just to cancer research

carol from france

Hey There, You're not lazy, stupid, etc. Sorry, popped in from the other blog again. If I lived near you I'd come over and help you tidy up a bit so you'd feel better. Then we'd put something on to cook all day in your crock pot. After that we'd have a hot cup of tea...a touch of sugar and extra cream in mine. :) Hang in there...do what you can...then REST in HIM. You're a fine lady. I know you are. It's going to be okay. You'll get better and be like a spring chicken. :) Kaye :) Your American Friend :)

Kaye from Tennessee

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