Saturday in the Octave of ...Zzzzzzzzz
Posted: Saturday, 14 April 2007 |
Thanks you for the offer, but no. Perhaps if it is a Highland Cattle ( because I am a Scotlandfan) May you have a calm night.
Dag from Norway
Hei Dag, hvordan gar det med deg? (Jeg prove min norsk, and withoot my own pewter here so cant do the peedie a with the circle on top, or the o with the line thru it.)
Ruthodanort from Unst
We had a Ling-cross coo but she's been sold. So that would make her what...1/4 highland?? (How do you spell that again? Lueing? Lieung? Liung?) If you do an internet search for "Our Lady of the Rock Shaw Island" it's a monastery of nuns back home and they raise Highland cattle in America! I just love them. (The nuns.) (I like the cattle too.)
Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney oan the fairm