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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Home-grown broccoli!

NOTHING beats home-grown broccoli!! Our garden is, thankfully, thriving!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 17:23



carol from over here

I like broccoli, and carrots, and any other veg that is hand-reared, just in case any of your vegetables need a home. We wouldn't want them to go to waste now, would wee??

Thewhitesettler from Greensleeves

Ah, Carol, you've been to that all organic market in Uzes again, mind you a broccoli is nice, as I recall an American President seemed to like it. Miss that market though.

Lerwick Trevor from Watching my tomatoes plants struggling

Not a cat thang! But fpu is drooling. So you so anything with the leaves?

Flying Cat from carnivore corner

trevor-i've always loved home gron produce--of course organic market helps!! you know is on holiday just nowxx

carol from in the sun and wind

Good grief! Must be the sherries. Do you DO anything with the leaves?

Flying Cat from a delicate shade of pink

mmm broccoli... hmmm. looks so nice, tastes so foul. its a wonder food. (I wonder why folk eat it) the leaves are probably better than the broccoli. chop up and use in stews. or stir fry. or soup. cabbage leaves are very good for mastitis. broccoli leaves are probably good for constipation.

scallowawife from in the kitchen

Gosh scallowawife, that was really....er....inspiring. If I spot fpu with her chest entombed in cabbage leaves I'll know what the problem is!

Flying Cat from carnivore corner

I cannot comment on your Walled Garden blog because I won't register with Google, but I wanted to sympathize with you about not having anyone your age to talk to. I am 27, and after almost 9 years of marriage, I can attest that it doesn't get any better with time. My dh is 6 years older than me, which means that his friends wives are usually several years older than me as well, and girls I went to school with are still in a silly young stage and haven't grown up yet. I have 5 children whom I homeschool, which usually makes me a social outcast anyway. I have found that regardless of age, most women aren't interested in staying home, raising children and teaching them themselves, gardening, or living a simple life. If you're not willing to shop, get facials, manicures, and the like, and spend time at pointless social events, you will be ostracized anyway. I have learned instead to be immensely satisfied in the company of my Lord, my husband and children, my books, my hobbies (knitting, sewing, etc.), and my gardening and landscaping endeavors. I hope you find many years of satisfaction in your life as well, and happy anniversary!

Mrs. H from South, USA

Mrs. H no biggie - after I'm here a couple of years I'll know PLENTY of folk to talk with! Being the new person is never easy - but I'm used to it by now hahaha! Cheerio!

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney

Are you happy Mrs. H? I mean really happy? Why do you think that your way of life is correct yet pour scorn over other peoples way of life? We all have choices, Mrs H. and by your tone, you don't seem very happy with your choice. Just an observation. Does your Lord put the food on the table? Live and let live Mrs. H. you live your life and let others live their's, but that's not your way, is it?

Tws from A Nice Place

thanks TWS: my sentiments exactly--i was a church elder for almost 25years but i would never and have never passed judgement on anyone else's way of life--no one has the correct lifestyle-live life the way it suits you and don't give lessons to others-(i'm sick of people giving me lessons on how to live my life just now)

carol from where its dull and windy

Mrs H - why are you doing it - are you trapped? Six years age gap is nothing - 25 might be a problem! any your silly young friends - go out and have fun with them! And shopping, facials, maincure, social events - sounds just what you need.... The Lord may make you very lonely...Satisfied? more like too busy to want anything more fufilling....

scallowawife from very concerned

Moo, I am hugely impressed by your broccoli. I too and dribbling slightly. When was it planted, is it from last year? Mine's still teeny tiny plants. They've got a good bit of netting on them to keep off those pesky butterflies though! Congrats on your first anniversary - I know everyone's an individual and we all want different things from life, but I can honestly say that I too really like being married - I have someone to come home to, someone who makes me laugh more than anyone else, and someone who supports me in everything I do and is always ready and willing to wave the flage for me (metaphorically speaking!). I think a lot of people are a bit disparaging about marriage at the moment - maybe we are just really lucky people! It's amazing what people think sometimes. We moved from here from the city and since coming here have tried to a live better, more ethical and self-sufficient life. We both still work, but work is not the be all and end all, and it is one of many things we do with our time. To hear some of our friends and family, we have 'quit the rat race' and are wasting all our educational achievements, careers, advantages, brains in living up here. Rubbish. I am ten times more fulfilled and a hundred times happier and I use my brain constantly. It always lifts my heart to read how happy you are, and I suspect that has a lot to do with personal attitude/philosophy, as well as personal circumstance. Thank you!

Stromness Dragon from The Cabbage patch

Stromness Dragon, I like it here too! Orkney is nice and quiet. No big cities or busy streets full of traffic! And being able to garden...that's just a DREAM come true for me! Erlend planted the broccoli this year - we bought it from William Shearer's in Kirkwall - my favorite store!! They sell a lot of organic stuff there. My hope is to have a good productive garden up and running in another year or two - but since I'm JUST now learning about gardening I have to hold myself back and do a bit of research first haha! Cheerio!

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney

Shearer's is such a treat, fpu has to find an excuse to go for a fix every time she ventures in to the metropolis. It's the best shop in the known universe!

Flying Cat from trying to look knowledgeable

yes I agree - Shearer's is brilliant. If they don't have it - they'll get it.

scallowawife from shetland

That's it: a 10% instant discount for everybody at the Shearer's checkout counter. By order of the Management (no, not Shearer's unfortunately). Seriously, with such rave reviews, must be a wonderful store. Next time I'm in the neighborhood, I shall drop in.

mjc from NM,USA

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