Wur first anniversary! July 21, 2007
Posted: Saturday, 21 July 2007 |
Erlend scrubs up quite well?? And what a massive organ, well what I can see of it.
Tws from Over The Water
TWS: you're at it again--now its erlands turn to be scrubeb up tut tut!
carol from under a windy,grey sky
A year is gone, and the newly weds don't seem to have changed much.... Just like Muness's photo of the road to nowhere.
mjc from NM
for goodness sake, tws. Moo, - I'm so pleased you're so happy. but where's this year's photo? last years is lovely but we need the new version!
scallowawife from smacking tws over the knuckles
I had SOOO much fun that day! Like I said, I wish we had a few of the cool traditions they have in Orkney! Would make wedding here a LOT more entertaining! XOXO
Willow from Vegas, Baby!
Oh wow! First year of wedded bliss!! Cheers!!
Shauna from Tejas
Yes, it's amazing what happens when you take a farmer out of his boiler suit and rubber boots and stick him into a fancy suit with smart shoes!
Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney
bonny pictures, and belated Happy Anniversary tae the baith o` ye`s. :) The crumble sounds gorgeous...drooling...
Hermit from Sanday
Now Michelle Therese, that is exactly what I meant to say/put. Very nice, ta ta
Tws from Burtons Shop Window
Congratulations on the occasion of your Anniversary! I discovered your blog last winter and last checked up at Easter time. My family lives on a small farm in New York. Farmers around the world are all the same! Around here the farmers race to see who can plow first, who started too early or too late. At silage time, end of June, till the first week of July, the farmers race to see who can finish first! The borrowing of equipment is sometimes needed to finish and all hands "on deck" till the work is done. The farmer's wives don't cook so much anymore though! Great pictures! Thanks for sharing! Caron from NY
Caron from Syracuse, NY, USA
Congratulations Michelle and Erlend! You both look good in your wedding gear, and the rubber boots can't be seen beneath your lovely dress. One down, fifty to go... Best wishes.
Jill from EK