Sunna`s day....
At first, it was chucking it doon, wet and miserable and blowy. Then the mist came by for a visit...then the sun came oot, yay!
Usually I`m up tae me elbows in sheepskins or hae tae work them according tae whar they are at in the tanning process and no on what day it most Sundays are tae be spent working, just like any other day...except this day was a quiet one, wi` the skins on the frames ootside drying, and nane tae be worked, so the day was mine!
And I made the most o` it! During the dreich weather I watched some o` me favourite films, then after dinner sat ootside in the sun just taking in the view and doing absolutely nothing. Not a thing. Nae work. Zilch. Squat. Nada.
Oh, it was fine and grand tae be doing, as well! I fair enjoyed it.
Then I get `itchy` hands tae be doing something, so oot wi` the wee archery bow and here I am in the picture, taking aim, once me chickens and ducks and geese had been shooed oot o` the way, at the target. Fine shot I am tae, even if I dae say so meself. Usually we are oot wi` one o` the crossbows, but this is just as much fun.
Then it`s back indoors, listening tae music on the laptop....I hae uploaded me favourite cd`s tae it so I can listen whilst I`m online...for any folks thinking a` me online time is for fun alone, well, I hae accounts etc tae dae online so a lot o` time is spent wi` that. May as well listen tae good music whilst I work!
Me present favourite sound is a group wha` play medieval instruments...big pipes and drums mainly, called Corvus Corax, updated a fair bit for todays taste..fair thumping stuff it is and guaranteed tae hae me feet tapping along.
I hae nae qualms at a` aboot haeing a lazy, work free day. It`s good for the soul tae hae time off. I`m protective o` me spare time, see, and mak` sure it`s spent wisely. And wise it was indeed, tae sit ootside in the sun daeing nothing at a`, and playing wi` the bows.
I will hae tae ditch the quail eggs I think. It`s ower their time for hatching noo, and nary a one has hatched! That`s the last time I buy hatching eggs frae Ebay, tsk! Looks like I will just hae tae be content wi` the variety o` birds I hae least I hae twa geese sitting on nests, so fingers crossed there will be some bonny wee goslings in a wee while.
I hope everybody had a fantastic weekend and that the sun shone, at least for a while, upon ye all.

Oh, afore i is a wee computor joke doing the roonds, freely available online...I really liked it as it reminds me o` Broadband hitting although it`s titled Hi Technology Comes To Tipperary, you could substitute Orkney for Tipperary no bother at all....
A list of computer term in common use.
LOG ON Throwin a bit a heat on the fire.
LOG OFF There's too much heat comin from the fire.
MONITOR Keepin an eye on the fire.
DOWNLOAD Gettin the turf from the trailer.
MEGA HERTZ When yer not careful gettin the turf.
FLOPPY DISC Whatcha get from tryin to carry too much turf all in the one.
HARD DRIVE Drivin home with the turf in d'Winter.
PROMPT What the mail isn't in d'Winter.
WINDOWS What to shut when it's cold outside.
CHIP Tayto's for d'telly.
MICROCHIP What's in the bottom of the tayto bag.
MODEM What ya did to the silage fields.
KEYBOARD Where ya hang the keys ah da Massey Ferguson.
SOFTWARE d'Windcheater.
HARDWARE d'Duffle Coat.
MAINFRAME Holds up the Hay Barn roof.
PORT Fancy yuppie wine.
ENTER Yuppie talk for "C'mon in".
MOUSE PAD Yuppie talk for the rat hole.