Ducks and A Sheep
Posted: Wednesday, 02 May 2007 |
So there I was, ootside fleshing a calfskin, as ye do. And I heard the quiet chuckling o` a couple o` me ducks beside the track, and looked ower, and saw the wee wild duck that has `adopted` us. Beasts keep doing that, it`s getting a wee bit it because we are the animal kingdoms equivlant o` a soup kitchen I ask meself?
I have tried tae tak pictures o` it, but apologies for the quality, I have the most basic o` digicams and it has nae zoom function on it, so ye`ll just have tae trust me when I say the ducks were a lot closer than they look! I am hoping somebody wha` reads this will be able tae tell me what kind o` duck it ye can see (if ye have
really good eyesight!) it`s a lot peedier than me own ducks but then, my ducks are a tad overfed and big fat beasties onyway! It has a weird orange head! Very round shaped head, and a grey/orange body, and fancy tufts o` feathers and I forget what colour it`s beak is. It has been hanging aroond for a week noo, it always nestles doon wi` a couple o` drakes so am wondering if it has the duckly equivalent o` a crush on one o` me males....but if we try tae get near it, it just tak`s off and flies tae a safe distance until we are gone oot o` the way when it comes back again. Although this is the closest we have gotten tae it so maybe it`s getting used tae us.
And the other couple o` pics are o` me sheep, I only have the one sheep, he keeps the grass doon for us and provides me wi` wool for me spinning and weaving, he is aroond 8 or 9 noo, has arthritis in his legs but is still happy and is HUGE!
One thing I did learn...never flesh a coohide and look at wild ducks at the same filletting knives, lack o` attention = sticking plasters all ower me fingers......

Posted on Hermit Life at 13:07
Always be careful when using sharp knives near a duck. You don't know what you'll cut off.
Muness from Fetlar
thanks again, hermit,good blog and nice pics
carol from where the heavens have opened
It is a strange trio for the visitor appears to be so much smaller. Oh well, what's one more mouth to feed?! Don't you have a pair of binoculars? Then, with the help of a bird book, or internet, you would figure it out. Maybe it is an unusual migrant, the holy grail of birders everywhere. # Be careful with the knife. # Maybe I'll get a couple of sheep when I move to southern Indiana: I like Suffolks but they may be hard to find in the midwest. I don't think I can order them through, not yet anyway!!
mjc from NM,USA
That sheep of yours has a mean eye, that or he/she looks very wary. Has it got all its legs, I know its not on to eat a nice sheep all at once.
Lerwick Trevor from From behind a mint plant
Oooo what a bonnie lad! I miss my Magnus. He's away up at the other farm - too far away for me to scratch.
Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney
That is a very strangely small duck. I've been through my bird book but without success. The nearest I could get (with the orange head) was some sort of merganser. As mjc suggests, it could be a migrant, maybe it's just having a rest before it takes off again.
Jill from EK
HERMIT...Animals and birds know where their welcome by the actions and manner of the humans in the area I'd bet your ducks have said to the wee stranger "good folks these quacky..... stick aboot a spell" I think youv'e made your point.
frodo the scot from utica michigan
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