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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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Rain And Spiders

It`s chucking it doon. It`s damp and miserable and ye ca` this summer!? Whar`s me sun then eh? `S no awfy fair at a`......

right then, that`s me pleep ower for the day....;-D

do ye notice, spiders (or speeders as me granny called them) come in just afore it rains? Why they think they`ll be ony safer in me hoose I dinnae ken. For I hae the reputation o` having battered invading speeders intae oblivion. Really....just got the nearest book/handy object wi` a flat surface....and battered the creature til there was no` even a smear, no` even a memory there was ever a speeder there....
and do I feel ony guilt whatsoever? Oh, no, not at all....
In the past year I was bitten three times by speeders, they muckle huge wolf hunters. Twice the bites turned septic. So far I have no` gotten the ability tae climb walls using a handy web spun oot o` me wrist, nor have I developed a taste for flies. But I did hae a couple o` nasty, septic bites that gave me some grief. So after that, I declared war on speeders, and noo they a` get crushed and beaten til there is nae thing left o` them.
It`s no` like there`s a shortage o` the beggars after a` noo is there?
I mean, have ye LOOKED closely at one? Like something oot o` the film Alien they are...a` beady eyes and hair and ower mony legs and they can shift when they want tae and a`....
So the past few days we`ve had the odd (massive, I exaggerate not folks!) speeder tak` up residence in me hoose. Some o` them land in the bath. How they end up there I dinnae ken, but they get flushed awa`, boiling water it is. Some o` them gie me the fright o` me life as I turn the light on and find it right next tae me hand. The modus operandii there is for me tae run and grab a magazine, come back and whack the thing til there is naething left o` it.
Then ye get the sneaky ones...they wait until ye have settled doon for the night, then, in this summer-like twilight, ye look up at the ceiling, and there it is, dangling on the edge o` a web, staring at ye and sniggering, just biding its time...
there is nae M.O then folks, yours truly just shrieks fit tae wake the deid and gets himself tae deal wi` it. Me bravery has its limits.....
I also realised whar thon auld saying comes frae, no` tae kill speeders or it`ll rain. It`s because every wife like me wha` sees them come intae the hoose afore it rains, kills them. That isnae what causes the rain, it is just an indicator o` the fact it WILL rain. Maybe speeders like dry heids like onybody else....

Still and a`, I got me bow through the post today! Woohoo! Yours truly is chuffed, though it would have been better had there been a dry day tae try it oot. So I will just have tae have some patience...no` a great trait o` mine...and wait until the sun decides tae show her face again. If ever. Oh man, it`s WET the day! It`s a fine bonny bow tae, though I`m a bit amused at the woodland camouflage ower the limbs o` it...it`s no` as if there is a need for it here noo, on Sanday, whar the bairns will play spot the tree, a game naebody wins.....
So a friend is picking me up some extra arrows in toon today, and we hae a big roond bale o` hay on order, so there is the target taken care o`. We just have tae mak` paper targets noo, and we are gaun tae have fun wi` that. ;-)

The wee merganser is noo a regular here, and one o` me duck family. He has taken up wi` a couple o` surplus drakes and it`s like watching a peedie king wi` his entourage, seeing them gaun aroond the place. For a wee fella, he hasnae half bullied me big fat drakes intae doing as they`re told. I`m fairly sure we have a case o` mafia boss and bodyguards there.....

At least I have been able tae catch up on me work, though I have tae work just inside wi` the door open. Me hound, Lassie, keeps me company. When I`m fleshing sheepskins, she gets the offcuts and fat and meat scraps so that keeps her happy (and fat!). One o` her favourite bits is when I cut off the skin along the legs. I throw them tae her and she taks them up in her jaw and wonders off tae bury them. I used tae think she would forget aboot them, but have seen her dig some up she had buried frae months ago, and eat them wi` relish! (that`s, enthusiasm, no` actual pickle, by the way....she`s no that clever!)
and this morning, off she went, wi` her treasured scraps, tae bury them in me flower plots (I hae given up on me garden this year) and it was that wet, she was clarted up tae her jowls wi` muck when she came back! She is noo in the garage, til she dries off and I can brush the muck off her.

I have also heard back frae the bird ringing folks aboot the wee sparra. It was ringed in August 06, they think. I hae nae idea how long sparras live, but that doesnae sound like an awfy long life tae me, puir wee thing.

Well, am off tae sit and admire me new bow, polish up me crossbow, and find a decent film tae watch. This is the life, right enough. :-)
Posted on Hermit Life at 15:33


Sounds like apart from the rain you've got the good life laid out for ya today Hermit! Blessings to You, Vera

Vera Nadine from www.veranadine.com

Hermit,here was me thinking you were an animal lover like me,but then you go and murder these poor defenless creatures that the good lord gave us-shame on you!! No i'm only joking ok they bget rid of flies,mossies etc! vut i'm allergic to their bites. if i see on in the house i get a brush and dustpan and put them outside but if i see one in my bedroom i just go completley ott!! i even used to wake my hubby up in the dark as i can sense them in the bedroom even before putting a light on. Why are we women wary of these harmless beasties?? No i don't want a sarcastic reply to this thank you ,male bloggers!!

carol from deep in shock!!!

I'm not as brave as you hermit, I stay well out of the road of arachnids, however my feline mistress is very kind and demolishes any she comes across, have you ever heard the sound of a cat crunching spider legs? *bbrrrrrr*

jas from under mia's paw

Thanks for the merganser update! How strange that it has settled in and taken up an alpha male position with your flock. I too don't like spiders but I would never kill one - I have one of those suction things, and use that in conjunction with a (very long) feather to get them out of the house. They are interesting creatures outside but I prefer not to have them in the house! I've never got close enough to be bitten...

Jill from EK

Jill:- over here we have very,very small reen ones,really really small, also even smaller ones that are almost transparent which can even make their way(dare i say it???on to the bed!! ouch!!

carol from screaming with fright

Carol, you are a one-woman antidote to the French tourist industry. There will be people everywhere cancelling their bookings as we speak. However, if they are that small they maybe wouldn't bother me too much (not in the bed though!!) unless they are biters of course. I like Hermit's granny's "speeders" - very apt, some of them are pretty fast.

Jill from EK

I've been o hols but I missed your blog. I was wondering if I was missing any stories ! Hop[e your dinner goes OK, do some photos of the food if people don't want to be posted!

alix from west midlands

JILL: I am proud to be an antidote to everything and everyone,well there is maybe one exception,mmm!!

carol from over here

I would probably get a panic attack if I saw spiders like that. Btw, yesterday I watched Coast as they visited the Orkney islands, and I really think it must be one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Nathalie from Rotterdam, NL

Father Ted: six episodes down and several more DVDs to go. We should be able to get through the Trilogy before July comes around. I may end up having to go to confession for laughing so much: I wonder whether the screenplay writers are Catholics. They almost have to be, would they not, to wield the hatchet so fiercely.

mjc from NM,USA

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