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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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Ye Can Blame AC For This!

For his...her? (sorry AC, I dinnae ken!) blog re words and their meanings got me thinking back (wayyyy back) tae when I was a wee lassie. There are still a few childhood rhymes that hae stuck wi` me.
Does onybody ken these ones?

One dark day in the middle of the night,
two dead men got up to fight,
back to back, they faced each other,
drew their swords and shot each other!

There was a little rascal
with a little wooden shovel,
howking tatties wi` his nightcap on,
he washed them in the well,
and he roasted them in hell
and the greedy little beggar
ate them all tae himsel`!
(the word wasn`t really `beggar` but I`m sure ye can tell what it was)

and, always made me giggle when I was peedie....
on yonder hill, i seen a coo....
it must have moved...it`s no` there noo!

When I was a bairn, we used tae spend countless hours making up rhymes and listening tae elders tell stories (which is how I got me love o` the yarn meself), but nowadays bairns sit in front o` the telly and watch nightmare inducing creatures like Teletubbies (well, they would have gie`en me nightmares for sure!) and I am sure some o` they bairns presenters are no` a` richt in the heid sometimes....
I mind the first programme I watched on tv (gotten when I was aroond five or six, and a right stir it caused wi` neighbours for no` a` body had one!) and that was Star Trek and I hae remained a fan ever since.
But when I were a lass, programmes were quality....onybody mind Vision On wi` Tony Hart? Magpie? Follyfoot even? Or the Herbs, which one o` the bairns satellite channels is repeating, I believe, for me grandbairns watch it and love it.

Growing up, me and me sister didnae have ony o` the `stuff` kids hae noo. Nae games consols, nae mp3`s or tellies in your bedroom, nae pc`s.
We had dolls, toy cars and cardboard boxes that used tae hae the washing machines in them that were made intae hooses, or spaceships, and the like, and dad made us seesaws and swings and chutes that would hae the current nanny state up in arms, wi` their being nailed thegither and gey shoogly, but we had great fun on them!
When we lived just ootside Brora we had the freedom tae roam, and I mind playing Indiana Jones on the swinging bridge ower the River Brora lang afore the films were even made. And cowboys and indians in the trees. I was always the indian because I got tae tie me wee sister tae a tree and pretend she was going tae be massacred and scalped.
I must hae been a dreadful big sister!! But I mind it being fun though.
I hae a feeling we were healthier kids back then though......

Well, a` me friends arrive on Friday! EEEEK! Aye, yours truly is panicking noo! What if they dinnae like the food? Or if the weather tak`s a turn for the worse? Or if they dinnae like me company??
At least the room is dressed for the feast, just a peedie bit primping tae dae noo, and some few meals tae cook and mak ready.
The archery target is set up ready in the back field, awa` fae the chance o` hitting onything crucial by mistake...no` that I`m thinking me friends are that bad shots, but better tae be careful, I reckon....
Just got some drakes tae cull as weel, for I dinnae like duck hung, but fresh....I can hear gastronomes everwhar throwing up their hands in horror at that, but I`m nae foodie snob, me.....
and the feast itself (a true moveable feast *giggles*) is now on the 7th....I havenae been keeping up wi` the news but somebody told me the ferries might gaun on strike week after next...which causes problems for one o` me friends wha needs tae gaun offisle then, so tae be on the safe side and because I dinnae want her missing oot (though she might be glad tae, wha kens, no` me that`s for sure) it`ll noo be on Saturday.

Yesterday, it was braw and sunny. I spent four hours ootdoors at archery practice. Because I draw the string back tae touch me nose tip and chin (och, onybody wha kens archery will ken what I mean, though it does sound weird) I couldnae wear a hat tae keep the sun off me face.
So the day, I am weel sunburned and no` feeling awfy great. I think the sun hae cooked me brain a peedie bit, which, let`s face it, wouldnae hae taken lang....
so I`m haeing a quiet day the day, on the couch, feet up, glowing like a flourescent beetroot.......
wha would hae thought ye`d need sunblock on Sanday!

Posted on Hermit Life at 09:04


1. Mrs White got a fright/In the middle of the night/She saw a ghost eating toast/Halfway up a lamp-post. 2. Help murder polis/Three sterrs up/The wumman in the next close/Hut me wi a cup.

Flying Cat from rummaging in a bipedal jumble

I know your first rhyme, Hermit, my dad used to say it (except it was 'one FINE day...' so I don't think it can be from where you grew up as he has only ever lived in Manchester. Your childhood sounds idyllic. I grew up in the back streets of Manchester, and a bigger contrast would be hard to find! although there were some strangely rural touches in the nearby allotments, some had hens and geese!

Jill from EK

Hermit - everyone will have a great time and you know it! Don't worry about the weather, i've order good weather :o) As for your company you know that is why they are coming up. I don't want to miss it and now you know I'm not going to anyway - am gonna try some honeycomb in a bit - will see how that turns out - might drop some up to you if it's edible :o) Don't Panic! All will be well :o)

Housewife Worker from Sanday

I know the first one as well. My brother and I would dress up in our parents clothes [hat, gloves, high heels for me ... aged 7 or 8], walk down the drive and come back to the front door ... knock, and ask if Mrs Brown [not our name] lived there. Mum would say sorry, and invite us in for a cup of tea. For many years I believed she hadn't recognised us!

Plaid from Outback

Someone, somewhere must have invented a parasol with a base you can fasten to your head (e.g. the spelunkers' lights) and which would protect your face from the sun while you shoot off. If you fashion one yourself you could make one which tilts whichever way you desire. Send picture.

mjc from NM,USA

Now this is one of my dad's but probably made up by him - "Mary had a little lamb it's face was black as coal and everywhere that Mary went it showed it's dirty face!", (sorry, his sense of humor!) Looking forward to photo's of your "do", sure wish I could be there to see it, have a good time!

maq from NMtoo, USA

I balme this one on you, maqfromNMtoo; Mary had a little pig/She couldn't stop it's gruntin/She took it down the garden path/And smacked its little bottom.... Can't hardly wait for all these pictures of the groaning board; steam rising from heaps of roasted creatures; meaty bones nestling in the straw on the floor, just waiting for a hungry moggie to strip 'em bare.....

Flying Cat from dribblingalloverthejoint

Or how about:- "Mary had a little lamb,/ Some chicken and dessert. / Then gave the man the wrong address,/ The rotten little flirt." or indeed "Mary had a litle lamb,/ Its feet were black as soot,/ and every where that Mary went,/ His sooty foot he put.'

Hyper-Borean from Doggerel Villa

Or how about: "Mary had a little lamb / She tied it to a pylon / Ten thousand volts shot through its bum / And turned its wool to nylon!". Hope the feast goes well.

Roy from Manchester

If there was a prize I'd give it to RoyfromManchester for that one!

Flying Cat from in awe and shock

hi hermit,, how did the ""feast go??""

carol from walking on the moon

It was fantastic Carol! *huge big grin* we ate lots, listened to good music and ate more, drank (lots) and had the greatest fun! Photos to follow soon, prob next weekish, as I still have guests and we are having an archery comp to win a bottle of mead! :-D

Hermit from Over the moon!

glad you had fun,will wait patiently for the photos

carol from over here

Whazzup, Hermit?

mjc from NM,USA

hangover?? peut-etre

carol from over here

What's wrong wi' the Teletubbies then HL? They are pure dead brilliant, so they are!! Eh-oh, means hello, and to think the Yanks wanted to ban it because Stinky Winky was a bloke wi' a handbag. But somebody told them that it wisnae REAL, and they all went home to live happily ever after. Andy-Pandy was on our screens for 25 years, so he wiz, and the Beeb only took it aff the air, 'cause the tape wore oot, honest, no joking HL, ye cannae make these things up ( unless ye work fur the 大象传媒, then you can, I'll need to stop commenting on yer blog, I seem to start typing wierd. No a different wierd, ye ken, who's Ken? ) Telly- Tubbies are great, pure dead magic.....

Tws from Pitching A Tent

TWS: andy-pandy is back only this time in colour !!

carol from over here

Ken is Barbie's bidey-in. Obviously.

Flying Cat from a hard stare

dropped on this when doing a search for spellunker ye i know the first one we said one fine day . How about mary had a little lamb she also had a bear, ive often seen her little lamb but never seen her bear

conrad from nights

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