Snow? What Snow? I See No Snow....
Posted: Friday, 01 February 2008 |
There's a wee dustin' of the white stuff here, and the ferry hasn't sailed, but it's no the real snow, that I remember as a kid, 6 or 7 inches o' the stuff, and the tea trays were oot, skidding doon the hills at the golf course, great fun...
Tws from Indoors
It's early days yet. Nearly 11 on Friday morning and we have snow grains here in Stromness. Any way it's only February I've seen snow here in May and in Shetland I once saw it in June ( about 4 or 5 flakes admittedly) so you might get your wishes yet.
Hyper-Borean from The igloo
We want snow ! We want snow ! We want snow ! I really miss a real winter !! those -12 + 6 ft snow drifts, aberdeenshire winters.
Angela from Fair Isle
its still very windy, we're off school, and the sun - yes the sun! - has come out. its bitterly cold and there are some flakes. I expect we Shetlanders will be first to get snow? the sky to the nort looks VERY full of snow. Ruthodanorth - look out your window please!
scallowawife from by the window
I remember proper snow from my childhood in nottingham ...lovely pristine *drifts* of it ... having to shovel it before you could open the outside door ...! enough for proper snowball fights ... huge great gullies of packed snow and slush on the streets ... and the best of all - those magnificent great long slides we used to make along the pavements ... diamond-hard icy slides which would last for days ...! Mind you, we didn;t have health and safety then ... :-) As I remember it, there'd be a decent few feet each and every year too ...
soaplady from breasclete - around .5cm snow
May you have a blizzard or two in the near future. Be careful what you ask for, Hermit (and Angela, etc.).
mjc from NM,USA
Hermit Life, You are a hoot! I know what you mean about snow..we have several feet over here. I am over near Yellowstone NP and the Grand Tetons..We love it! And it means more water in the summer. And you are right..people are getting more wimpy as the years fo by! As we say here in Wyoming.."Cowboy Up"!
Terri from Wyoming USA
I agree with you Hermit. People are getting whimpy when it comes to the weather, even around here in South Dakota. We've had a good year so far. Lots of snow and chilling temperatures that makes your breath freeze before it gets out of your mouth. I hope you will get more snow, like you said it's not winter without the white stuff.
Julia from SD, USA
I like Wyoming very much, and so would not wish to say anything that would cause pain (I mean, having Cheney as resident/ex-Congressman, should be pain enough for any State). However, there is such a thing as too much snow. A Wyoming native, acquaintance of mine, could not take it any longer, hopped on his truck (any decent truck has a snow plow up front on the range in that part of the world), and drove south, only stopping when someone asked him what on earth that contraption in the front of his truck was. Yes, he had gotten to New Mexico: Home at Last!! Bienvenidos, as we say in English out here, and please pass the salsa.
mjc from NM,USA