Swans? What Swans?
Posted: Monday, 31 March 2008 |
Another sad story on IB, poor Jess. But she had a long and happy life, as you say SD, and that means a lot. I like your snow photo too, but I know what you mean about landscape photos. The most spectacular vista can be reduced to just a pretty photo.
Jill from EK
lovely photes SD,sorry to hear about Jess,it seems all the pets on Ib are dying maybe its something to do with the time of year
carol from over here
Feline farwells to Jess from me and Marmers. *Ahem*...Not ALL pets on iB Carol! (You're making M'Marmalade Chum a teeny bit anxious - he thinks you might be a prophet...)
FC&Marmers from Farewell old kitty
SD the mountain in the distance loks as if the antarctic had already calved its way to Orkney. I think its a grenad landscape (land and seascape). Poor old cat! Poor you. Pelle the rabbit expired in my lap a few years ago - he couldn't accept the fact that the arrival of Stumpy meant that he was no longer Master of the Sruffy Lawn. First he tried to cahllenge her - but was too small -so then he just stayed in his cage with his back to the world and sulked to death, which finally occurred as I gave him a nice morning cuddle. Just a sigh and a shudder and Pelle was gone.
Barney from Swithiod s'like an icefloe
Thanks folks *sniff* - Jess has a little cairn at the bottom of the garden. Glad to hear that the remaining feline terrors of IB are good and lively and striking fear into the hearts of all ailurophobes.
Stromness Dragon from Wiping away a tear
Pele the footballing bunny???
Flying Cat from a position of disbelief
we are still fighting fit!!! another d.o.g came into the hoose today--oor wullies friend prune-normally she chases us but today just gave us kisses and then emptied our food bowls!d**n dogs!
5 cat gang from chateau de st.dez
As my response to FC has fried the Spam Death, I will paraphrase it. The rabbit Pelle (2 Ls there, cat!), being black and white, would approach the football (black and white, softish, rather large) and attempt to reproduce himself upon it, repeatedly and urgently. Sometimes when totally frustrated he would give it a well-aimed kick but he was not thinking fitba'.
Barney from Swithiod fact is stranger than fiction
No ? barney are you sure?
carol from over here
What a pity Pelle the rabbit didn't succeed in reproducing the fitba'...an endless supply of free balls, on tap...
Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin
Now you mention it, Carol, he was a dab hand att dribbling the ball with his head. But it was not love of the game, t'was a courting rite. Talented but one-track was our Pelle.
Barney from Swithiod another bloggpiratical outrage
I would like a diagram, please.
Stromness Dragon from Squinting
Pele is a tomcat. Calling him a bunny is asking for all out war with Brazil. After Argentina, Brazil: when will you folks learn? Oh well, you'all could try coming down to New Orleans again (hey, Hyper-B.?), by George.
mjc from NM,USA