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16 October 2014

Fred Blog

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Watch out we are coming

Finally, today we have exchanged contracts on our old house for sale in Margate.......So here we go landing on Friday 22nd June 2007.......and Yes I have booked the Ferry tickets too.

I phone my neigbour on the Isle and the house is still standing thank goodness,
seems such a long journey from planning this in March 2006, So its down to the local refuge this weekend to get rid of those odds and sods, and complete the other packing, as Sarah my wife stopped me after I got excited and packed my work shoes by mistake.

I though after telling work I was leaving that I would have to get another job, but luckl has it I have come away with a job part time with them, which will help in the short term 6 to 12 months.

So I will sign off now, speak later

Posted on Fred Blog at 15:06


Congratulations!! # Your neighbors must not have heard. No moving van in front of their houses, not yet anyway. # Good luck, Fred.

mjc from NM,USA

I noticed you told ONE neighbor, but must have sworn him to secrecy. No For Sale signs, no moving vans, yet. He told you your house was STILL standing, did he now? Perplexed. # Have you started on those Gaelic language tapes yet?

mjc from NM,USA

Best of luck, Fred. Welcome to island life! I hope it's everything you want it to be.

Stromness Dragon from Happy island place

How exciting for you, Fred and family. Timing seems to be working out well for you job-wise too. I hope that all goes well and wish you the very best of luck. Look forward to hearing further details!

Jill from EK

Fred and Mrs Fred , Glad to hear that you are finally on your way. Hope all goes smoothly I am sure that you will be very happy and more relaxed once you get up there

Barebraes from Shapinsay

Congratulations for your house in margate. I hope your move will be easy and uneventful. When i came up the weather was so awful the ferry didn't sail that day and we had to attempt to camp in a force 9 gale in the very exposed campsite in ullapool, but as the tents were almost flat to the ground with the wind we ended up sitting upright in the van seats all night LOL But that was February and you are travelling in June so you hopefully won't have that problem (no guarentees though LOL) I just see it as my initiation to island life LOL This MJC, is probably what the guy meant by 'still standing'

tanith from point

i moved to the capital of the Highlands from Glasgow. Born & bred in Glasgow i may add decided to brave one of the local pubs only to be told by a "local" that they didn't appreciate immigrants, thinking they were spaeking about my spanish husband i attempted to defend him only to be told it was me they had a problem with apparently Glasgow is not part of Scotland. Hope you meet nicer scots than i have.

minge from unfriendly village of the damned

Once again thanks for your kind comments and we are truley looking forward to arriving, now your scaring me Minge LOL people can be so narrow minded they should think of the situation in Scalplay where they are closing the nursery school due to no babies being born things have to evolve......and should welcome newcomers. Tanith dont forget, the kettle will be on.

Fred from Point

Scalpay even LOL

Fred from Bed speller

by now you will be in your new home-when's the housewarming party?

carol from usual place

LOL Carol, not till 22nd June then if the weathers nice !! a BBQ....see you soon.

Fred from Not quite there?

Its only a minority that dont like the english and i just take the mick out of em for there set ways and stupidity

English Incomer from lochs

Right.......that sounds like a great way to fit into an ancient and under-threat community, EI from Lochs... Not!

Flying Cat from a hard stare

Welcome home, we-e-elcome, come on in, and close the door...

Flying Cat from ancient music compendium

Isn't this the Bates Motel from 'Psycho'? Mother'll be in the upper room.

calumannabel from ness

And father is already in the lower chamber?

mjc from NM

FC nice to see you back and on form

Fred from Point

Nice to people still moving here at the start of the midge season Only one thing to say watch the cowboys who think they can rip of any incomer where renovations are needed

Fenblower from I of L

Thanks Fenblower for the advise, I got cought out last year with the midges, put cream on my face, forgot the rest of me wont be doing that again in a hurry.....As to the builders on the I.O.L I costed a price for a small extention raw build just blockwork and roof, all the double glazing, joinery, electrics, etc was going to be completed by me to keep the cost down as I budgeted 15k the quote came in at 拢50k, even the architect wanted 拢3800 for he fees totally unrealistic

Fred from Point

I posted a note on another blogsite (from the live feed) thinking it was yours (somebody else moving to Lewis, I think), though I was rather puzzled how all of a sudden you had moved your departure date ahead. Hope someone else is not camping in your house when your moving van/own car gets there!! (kidding).

mjc from NM,USA

One small step for mankind, one huge step for Fred - seriously tho fantastic to see you getting your dream - few of us have the courage to break out and do something wholly new after so long - maybe one day! get the guest sofa ready soon, A

andrew fry from worcester

LOL....MJC saw that with the buddah Picture, I must confess due to the colour I thought I was in my blog too

Fred from Point

Look forward to meeting you all, mines a coffee, milk, no sugar lol Well the teeth on wings appeared with a vengance this week so i hope you get a breezy day for your b-b-q or it will probably be you on the menu lol One thing to pick up before you leave....very fine insect screens for your doors and windows so you can actually open them when we have the absolutly boiling days like we had a few days ago and we couldn't get any air in the house unless we wanted eating! Have a good journey.

tanith from point

Tanith, Do you know where our House is? if not you must know the PO at Upper Aird we are on the the main road opposite the PO junction the old house is in the middle, if that helps, as i said you are more than welcome to pop in, it will be hectic at first but the kettle will be the 1st thing out.....see you soon

Fred from Point

I'll find it from the picture and if i have trouble i'll just ask someone about as they will all know who i'm talking about LOL

tanith from point

Tanith, LOL.....very good, look forward to it, see you soon.

fred from from on our Way

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