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16 October 2014

Fred Blog

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Visitors !!!!

Hi I.Bers.

We had visitors from London our 1st in 15 months which I have not seen in 17 years.

The weather was pretty kind to us to while we took them on the visits around the Isle we had a great time and it all went to quickly as they flew back today.

Holly had a great time being fussed over and we all enjoyed our meal in one of the town centre restaurants.

As to the extension, well I better get cracking on that now otherwise it will never go up......im not slacking promise the weathers against me?
Posted on Fred Blog at 15:29


It's not finished??? You're starting to do things in normal time instead of superman time!

Flying Cat from a state of mild surprise

there's far too much fun being had here Fred ... 'bout time you pulled yourself up by the bootstraps, stopped slacking, and do some *work* for heavens sake ...!! man cannot live by kite-flying alone (nor standing under rainbows :-)

soaplady from wanting a go of your kite lol ...!

Good to hear from you again, Fred. Flying kites, eh? Instead of putting them all to work. Slacking off, Fred. It must be the island air. (I am sure you and your guests had a grand time. You must after all be forced to undergo some relaxation once in a while!!).

mjc from IN, USA

Glad you had a nice time with your friends visiting. From the photos it looks like you had wonderful weather--even a rainbow! Holly looks very fashionable in her spectacles!

thelovelyOutlander from thought you'd have the addition finished by now ;)

Your visitors must have been thrilled to see those views and lovely beach. Now back to work with you! <cracks whip>

Jill from EK

I never had you down as a Whiplash Lady, Auntie Eek!!!! *SHOCKED*

Flying Cat from Cynthia Pain

I am a hard taskperson, FC. Watch it.

Jill from EK

FC, LOL No way, I managed to start now so next blog will show you the progress. Soap lady your more than welcome to fly our kites I have 4 now......but no good at these 2 string kites. Thanks MJC, No ive still been busy on other peoples jobs, and must not complain, the extension will go up with weather permitting and funds avaliable. Oh TLO Holly has these special specs for going out and does look trendy, and yes the weather was really kind for a few days. LOL ok Jill im going to do some work I promise ???

Fred from Point

Well, not sloth really, just ol' Fred and family ahving a good time. Good photos as well, Fred. Greetings to Holly of course.

Barney from Swithiod encouraging sloth

All things being relative Cap'n P, Fred looks like quite a young chap to me!

Flying Cat from a hard stare

Gee thanks FC a friend for life for the record I'm 51 years old....thats it.

Fred from Point

EffCee in this case "Ol'" is a term of affection rather than referring to calender time. It refers specifically to the length of time that Fred and I have been enjoying each other's existence, albeit in a virtual fashion. Why, I'm old enough to be Fred's father, when I come to think about it, which I would rather not do. Other examples: ol' mjc, ol' Squidgy - and no one would be so unrefined as to interprete the last one literally, I hope.

Barney from Swithiod on the soap-box again

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