Long time no blog!
Posted: Friday, 16 November 2007 |
Where have I been? nowhere really - just getting on with life and living but I have neglected my blogging duties. I seem to have been busy but on looking back struggle to think "what have I been doing?" before you know it a month has gone by!
Life goes on here in Mull - the vole population seems to be having a stay of execution - only one body in the last fortnight - she hates the wind and rain, so consequently, pokes her nose out the door and thinks "I dont think so" and comes back into the house. One vole found in the outside shed where he indoors had stored polystyrene(?spelling) ready for disposing - he/she looked very cosy and snug till his little nest was "accidentally" turned upside down! where was Pepper? nowhere to be seen.
Had a great day on Iona with Hannah - it was raining when we left home, then the sun appeared as we arrived on Iona - that happens so often - are there strange forces at work me wonders?
A couple of photos from the many hundreds I take of this lovely Island which is a spectable in autumn -

Life goes on here in Mull - the vole population seems to be having a stay of execution - only one body in the last fortnight - she hates the wind and rain, so consequently, pokes her nose out the door and thinks "I dont think so" and comes back into the house. One vole found in the outside shed where he indoors had stored polystyrene(?spelling) ready for disposing - he/she looked very cosy and snug till his little nest was "accidentally" turned upside down! where was Pepper? nowhere to be seen.
Had a great day on Iona with Hannah - it was raining when we left home, then the sun appeared as we arrived on Iona - that happens so often - are there strange forces at work me wonders?
A couple of photos from the many hundreds I take of this lovely Island which is a spectable in autumn -

Posted on Wild Freckle at 22:44