Posted: Monday, 14 April 2008 |
Ohmygawd! (OMG), Bill Ordee has been on the phone and says he doesn't give a Ch.....f whether it's a blackbird or a Chough. He's coming to Coll soon and will be giving me lessons in Birdwatching. (OMG) must get me books out agin and me binocs.
Squidgy the Otter from Feeling Twitchy
Great photos, Squidgy, your garden is like bird heaven. I assume you don't have a cat... Poor George can't help being greedy, it's his nature, but the small birds seem to be coping OK! Good luck.
Jill from EK
Lovely phots Squidy, I do like to stroke a streek skin, just keeping up on a latter blog. have a good day.
roy from Sofala.Oz
Lovely pictures, lovely story, I think "George" visits my garden after flying off from yours, I think he brings his wife too!
Ac from Coll
Thanks for another virtual nature ramble, Squidgey. You be careful with that there Bill, or he'll have choughed you off in no time at all, innocent young otter that you are.
Barney from Swithiod a bird in the hand...
We hates 'em the nasssty squawkers, they mobs us and frightles us and makes us run across the road in front of carses yess they doess...
Flying Cat from feeling a bit preciousss
Thank you all for asking, but no, I can assure you I am NOT related to Abby. Her name is spelled differently to mine, and she is a different kind of... errrrr, bird. yes, ummm, errrr, ooo madam !!
Tommy Titmouse from Behind Bars, The Squidgery
Oh woe is me, the Chough is not a Chough after all. The Chough is a very rare visitor to Coll, (I checked this out in my Birds of Tiree and Coll book). The orange beak is correct, but the Chough is larger, similar to a crow. So a blackbird it (STILL) is. I spoke to someone on the island who is an authority on birds and emailed him the photo. The beak which should be yellow but is bright orange is probably due to his diet, eating Crabs etc. Bill O will now have a wasted journey, better bolt up my holt. Now what type of bird is that I just spotted. A Dodo?? no !! it couldn't be, could it??
Squidgy the Otter from Choughed orf
nice menu,squidgy,FC here its b****y magpies that chase us the bs are evrywhere-they even scare old dear
5 cat gang from smacking licking our whiskers
A blackbird with crabs might make veterinary medical history!
Flying Cat from itchy&scratchy
5 cat gang, how could you, even suggest it, and Flying Cat I suppose you are licking your lips too, crabs or no crabs, I mean to say, it was you who ate the frogs wasn't it?
Squidgy the Otter from Bird Protection Squad.
Never I tell you never!! I wuz framed. A nasty big mink done it and ran away...
Flying Cat from severely un-choughed
If FC can find frogs to eat he's a very lucky puss-over here we haven't found a single one yet(well not 4 legged ones anyway) but we have managed to find much to old dears luck our first baby grass snake!hhiiissssssssssss
5 cat gang from feeling hungry
It's quite surprising that anything remains alive in la belle France, due to the enthusiastic endeavours of the macho 'shoot-anything-that-moves' brigade. I am watching the brown sun-warmed wriggling heaps of tadpoles with anticipatiary interest...
Flying Cat from metamorphosing meals
Dearest Roy from Oz, would you like to expand a little??? not in graphic detail you understand !!
Squidgy the Otter from Confused and bemused