Welcome. Our Mission.
Posted: Sunday, 08 June 2008 |
welcome to IB-hope you are completly mad-it helps----also i hope you enjoy life on bute i used to go there a lot for my holidays while growing uup in scotland!
carol from over here
Greetings and welcome to Island Blogging. If you have any queries about how it all works, please do get in touch, the e-mail is: islandblogging@bbc.co.uk
Carol from IBHQ
You would have your plate full on Jura. Personally I don't see how investigations by a short term summer resident would benefit the island. It may be my nose, but I detect a whiff of arrogance emanating somewhere. I guess that, while sailing, you could check the water for pollution, or, on your return, evaluate the state of landing pier, etc. I am sure the permanent residents will be thankful for any enlightenment you may bring. Perhaps, as a new Bute citizen, you could contribute materially by devising and putting up markers, signs, etc. to help visitors (the locals know where they are going and how to get there).
mjc from NM,USA
This is arrogant attitude drives me mad!! If life on Bute is so bad that it needs crusaders like you to improve it why go to live there? Do you see yourself as a Missionary carrying out good work for the poor uneducated locals? You have chosen to live on the island so you should strive to adapt to the islanders way of life not to impose your ideas on their way of life. Over the years ‘incomers’ to the island I belong to (not Bute) have broadly fallen into two categories. Those who strive to improve the island by forcing their views and ideals on the locals and are viewed with contempt (Captain Manwaring!). The others come as equals, watch and listen, and in so doing integrate into the community and become trusted and respected neighbours. It’s a free country so the decision is yours! Good health and happiness in your new life.
George Bush from I'll help make your life as good as ours
mjc: pollution in the kyles of bute?? splutter,cough,choke;can't breathe!---you're right
carol from an ib nutcase
It's the improving bit I worry about. We've seen it all before from those who would like to tell us how to live when they get here...usually it meets with dogged resistance. We just keep our heads down and smile quietly...
Flying Cat from Orkney Mainland
Thank you for the nice comments, but - oh dear - we seemed to have touched a nerve with mjc, which is a shame. I don't know why you mention Jura. Are you from there? Arrogance? Well, if that came across then I apologise. But I must point out that a nation who can elect Bush as most powerful man in the world should really show a little humility, in my humble opinion. However, M was astonished at your insight - yes, the sewage in the bays is an issue, as are problems with the island piers. Is this a talent of yours? As for signage, we shall be starting a separate line (or whatever it's called) on this soon, under a "Walking on Bute" heading. Best wishes to all our U.S. cousins and ex-patriates.
j and m from Bute
Is this a wind up?
Stromness Dragon from Not knowing whether to laugh or not
mjc, sometimes you are uncanny. How can you know EXACTLY what I am thinking?
Ruthodanort from Unst
I think you will have enjoyed the past 6 weeks of beautiful sunshine that we have had on Bute. Who say's it always rains. I have lived here all my life and can't think of anywhere else I would like to be. We may have some problems but they usually get dealt with by the locals or councillors. Where else would you feel as safe?
Margaret Marshall from Bute
Thanks to our nephew, N, who has pointed out that messages take some time to get through. So, our apologies for sending two. However, it would seem that our most vehement critics are not from Bute at all. Perhaps, Madams, you may wish to contribute to your own island's "blogs". If there are none suitable, then I would suggest that you would be the ideal people to create one, as you obviously have plenty to say! Please do not take this as disrespect - we are passionate about free speech. Best Wishes J and M
J and M from Bute
Ok, SD, now I'm thinkin I been duped. Duh.
Ruthodanort from Unst
Perhaps, instead of jumping in feet first, you might take time to trawl around you fellow-islandbloggers' blogs...then you would know that mjc is in New Mexico and that occasionally-appearing blogs from Jura usually relate problems and disagreements, rather than harmony and co-operation. As for 'where else would you feel as safe?' Coll? Islay? Orkney? Shetland? Mull? take your pick!
Flying Cat from oot-and-aboot
Advice given to me, sounds like its needed here. "Keep your eyes and ears open, your head down and your mouth shut" MM
Mountainman from Mull
Hi Mountainman: YOU don't keep your head down (not all the time anyway), or we would not have all those wonderful photos you share.
mjc from NM,USA
Hello Rutho.! Could be that long exposure to the dry desert air (and the dust) has an effect equivalent to the salty "breeze" that wafts through Orkney and Shetland.
mjc from NM,USA
mjc, Ssssshhhh! The advice was *given*... didnt say anything about heeding it..... :-))
MM from Mull
I think you may find that all the signs were taken down to confuse invaders from the sea. good luck, I can get my hands on some cheap diesel if you're interested, for a few ration coupons of course.
private walker from warmington on sea
That is prime advice MM and should be taken to heart by all who move to the islands for lifestyle change! I'm beginning to think SD might be right...or at least hoping so...
Flying Cat from madam? I'll gie ye madam!
This is the 2nd time we have tried to make this comment. I do hope that there is no ´óÏó´«Ã½ censorship at work here. Why, they would be the first to complain. We think it is time to address some of the sometimes abusive points that have been made so far, before drawing a definite line under these and moving on to more important matters. This cut and paste business is extremely useful! From George Bush from I'll help make your life as good as ours (That's a very arrogant attitude for a start – J and M) This is arrogant attitude drives me mad!! If life on Bute is so bad that it needs crusaders like you to improve it why go to live there? Do you see yourself as a Missionary carrying out good work for the poor uneducated locals? You have chosen to live on the island so you should strive to adapt to the islanders way of life not to impose your ideas on their way of life. To take your questions in order: - I have never said that life on Bute is bad. On the contrary - Me a missionary? Simply, no, although if some locals are poor and uneducated then that is not to demean them (by the way, "Manwaring" should be "Mainwaring"). And I am atheist, although it must be said that M is a waverer in this regard. And it's perfectly fine to begin a sentence with "and" in our book, before anyone comments. Over the years ‘incomers’ to the island I belong to (not Bute) have broadly fallen into two categories. Those who strive to improve the island by forcing their views and ideals on the locals and are viewed with contempt (Captain Manwaring!). The others come as equals, watch and listen, and in so doing integrate into the community and become trusted and respected neighbours. - We seek to impose nothing, merely to campaign, persuade and – when and if required and legal - compel. Watching and listening is admirable, but they must be followed by opinion and action, as I am sure you will agree history tells us. mjc: pollution in the kyles of bute?? splutter,cough,choke;can't breathe!---you're right carol from an ib nutcase - Well, I'm sorry my dear but pollution is indeed a problem on the island – at Kames Bay and Ettrick Bay, for one. We can assure you that there are places we could place your nose where you would rather not have it. I think you will have enjoyed the past 6 weeks of beautiful sunshine that we have had on Bute … … We may have some problems but they usually get dealt with by the locals or councillors. Margaret Marshall from Bute - We must thank you, Miss Marshall, for this friendly comment. You are, of course, quite correct. Except about relying on the locals and councillors to sort things out, I fear. These people tend to form ineffectual committees when, in fact, a clear line of command is what is required to get things done. Advice given to me, sounds like its needed here. "Keep your eyes and ears open, your head down and your mouth shut" MM Mountainman from Mull - We're sorry, but both M and myself believe your advice to be very ill-advised. - Is this not what Chamberlain did in 1938? - Would the Vietnam war have been brought to an end so soon? - Would Lee have won "The Apprentice"? However, as we have said we will now proceed to more relevant matters. We trust that those whose hostility had been addressed above will in future contribute on a more constructive basis.
J and M from Bute
Hey, J & M, quite a long rant there. Actually, a lot of people seem to be under the impression that you are not real, that you are actually a "wind up". Here's the deal - identify yourselves, tell everyone who you are, not just initials. And post a photo of yourselves, just so that we can say "ahah, real people". After all, I have clearly identified who *I* am. Although I use the blog ID "Mountainman", I am actually James Westland, I live in Tobermory, I am maried to a local Mull woman, and work as an IT consultant... and I dont need to hide behind anything. If you want more info, have a look at my geology site - www.mullgeology.com and you'll get all the info you want. So come on, dont be shy....
Mountainman from Tobermory
As a Brandane (that is a person born & brought up on Bute and being borne of parents who are also Brandanes), I am incensed by some of the comments from these interlopers! The fact that your thread is entitled "Welcome. Our Mission" does seem to suggest that you both intend to become "missionaries" to Bute, albeit as atheist & agnostic! I welcome new ideas from Brandanes and well-intended & educated interlopers. But, I fear your approach may need to be adjusted if you are to be considered a voice (or voices) worthy of opening our ears to. Please take this as constructive critism if your blog wording is how you intend to ASSIST Islanders improve what was once a Beautiful Island, but is now, sadly a dumping ground for NEDS from who cares where, who seek to destroy safety & harmony that once existed.
Smudge from Bute